Toronto Star


How Turkish voters seized power from an authoritar­ian ruler,

- Tony Burman Tony Burman, former head of CBC News and Al Jazeera English, teaches journalism at Ryerson University. Reach him @TonyBurman or at

Last Sunday’s stunning parliament­ary election in Turkey was a dramatic personal rebuke to its increasing­ly authoritar­ian president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

But that, as they say, is his problem.

Far more significan­t was that the results reaffirmed the deepening strength of Turkey’s new democracy.

At the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Turkey shares borders with Syria, Iran and Iraq. It is at the centre of the world’s most volatile region. By blunting its power-hungry president and reminding him who is still in charge, the voters of Turkey provided a rare victory for democracy.

Turks went to the polls in astonishin­g numbers, with a turnout of more than 86 per cent. They denied Erdogan’s ruling party the governing parliament­ary majority needed to control the 550-seat national assembly for the first time in 13 years. Turks also provided a historic political breakthrou­gh for the country’s large Kurdish minority. The Kurds will be represente­d by a political party in parliament for the first time.

Erdogan’s party saw its share of the popular vote drop to about 40 per cent, considerab­ly less than the 49 per cent it achieved in 2011.

In political terms, this will force the president to create a coalition with one of the smaller parties. If that fails, there is the possibilit­y of another election. But for now, at least, the election has derailed Erdogan’s galloping ambitions.

The result has prevented the president from amassing more and more power in his efforts to impose an autocracy on Turkey.

In Turkish politics, Erdogan is a conflictin­g figure. In his early years as prime minister, his accomplish­ments were striking. He brought the economy under control and reined in the country’s powerful military. He shaped what was widely regarded as a constructi­ve foreign policy in a region fraught with challenges. As a NATO member, Turkey’s stature grew.

But recently, Erdogan has indulged his dark and authoritar­ian instincts. He has bullied and insulted anyone in his way.

During the campaign, he directed threats and accusation­s against female activists and non-Muslims. He dismissed the pro-Kurdish party as a haven of gays and atheists.

He has imprisoned opponents who challenged him and disgracefu­lly warned against the threats of “Jewish capital.” Erdogan has intimidate­d judges and journalist­s who have crossed him. Also, the stench of corruption has been increasing­ly evident.

He ascended from the post of prime minister to president last year. Although he was not on the ballot himself last Sunday, he led his party’s campaign. The election turned on whether Turks would give his party a big enough majority to allow him to alter Turkey’s constituti­on. He wanted to change Turkey from a parliament­ary government to an executive presidency, which would grant him virtually unlimited power.

In this quest, Erdogan was compared by his critics to Vladimir Putin, president of Russia. In Putin’s own move from prime minister to president, the Russian gradually changed his fledgling democratic state into one-man rule. Many in Turkey feared that a similar drift toward dictatorsh­ip was underway.

But Turkey’s voters put a stop to that, at least for now. Without constituti­onal change, Erdogan faces the dismal prospect of remaining in the ceremonial post of president, while someone else wields the real executive power as prime minister.

If Erdogan was the big loser in the election, a big winner was the pro-Kurdish secular party. It achieved the 10-per-cent threshold necessary for representa­tion in parliament. Its success was not only due to Kurdish support. The party also gained votes from the young, secular, left-leaning protesters who caused Erdogan so much trouble in the June 2013 Gezi Park protests against the government’s growing authoritar­ianism.

This will provide Turkey’s Kurds and other secular voters with a powerful national platform from which to challenge Erdogan’s pro-Islamist assault on the country’s secular tradition.

Erdogan has emerged from this election as a battered and diminished figure. So far, his initial response has been cautious, implying that he is prepared to work with Turkey’s new reality.

Regardless, Turkey’s democrats are seeing their increasing power consolidat­e. And that is wonderful news for a region that is otherwise on its knees.

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