Toronto Star

Lockdowns, staff shortages plague Toronto South superjail

Inmates confined to their cell for 24 hours a day nearly every weekend, infirmary empty at 18-month-old facility


“It’s almost like solitary confinemen­t, except it’s two to a cell instead of one.” KAREN MCARTHUR


Locked in their cells for the third weekend in a row, a group of inmates at Toronto’s west-end superjail scrounged up some scrap paper and wrote a note to anyone who cared.

“This letter is to inform the public of the living conditions in the Toronto South Detention Centre, or lack of,” read the dispatch, penned last month and later obtained by the Star.

The inmates described a situation at a boiling point: Lockdowns every weekend — and often on weekdays — that keep them confined to their cells for 24 hours a day, for several days in a row. No access to showers. No access to the yard for fresh air. No family visits and no appointmen­ts with lawyers.

“It’s almost like solitary confinemen­t, except it’s two to a cell instead of one,” said Karen McArthur, a Toronto defence lawyer. “They’re not getting out. All they can do in that cell is urinate, defecate and eat. It’s disgusting.”

Routine lockdowns have become the norm in Ontario jails, where union officials representi­ng correction­al workers say a government hiring freeze several years ago has left institutio­ns chronicall­y understaff­ed and unable to effectivel­y manage the inmates. It’s an ongoing issue at many jails, but particular­ly troubling, says McArthur, at an institutio­n that was meant to be a model for future detention centres.

In a statement, a spokeswoma­n for the Correction­al Services ministry said staffing shortages “resulting from sick calls, vacation leaves and other leaves” are the main reason for the lockdowns at the Toronto South.

Problems have plagued the jail since it opened less than 18 months ago. The infirmary remains closed, despite assurances from the ministry earlier this year that it would begin operating by spring. Two inmates died in February; one by suicide, the other after a drug overdose.

Some strides have been made: the mentalheal­th assessment unit is now open and running. But the union that represents jail workers says inmate-on-staff violence is rampant and employee morale is low.

“Assaults on staff are through the roof,” said Monte Vieselmeye­r, correction­s division chair for OPSEU. His statement is based on anecdotal evidence. He said the ministry has not provided the union with recent figures.

Ontario’s ombudsman has received 30 complaints about various lockdowns at the Toronto South this year — three times more than any other provincial jail. The Central East Correction­al Centre in Lindsay was the subject of 10 lockdown complaints over the same period. A spokeswoma­n for Ombudsman André Marin said his office is monitoring the issue and following up with the ministry.

The situation is “unbearable,” the Toronto South inmates wrote. “Being incarcerat- ed, we are often forgotten. We are sons, fathers and friends. Hopefully this reaches someone who can help us.”

The Toronto South, a maximum-security facility that replaced the Don Jail and the Toronto West Detention Centre when it opened in January 2014, is currently operating at half capacity with an all-male inmate population of roughly 800, including many who are awaiting trial — sometimes for years — on charges that have not been proven.

“Our government’s most important priority is the health and safety of all our staff and inmates as we transform our correction­s system and the Toronto South Detention Centre,” said Lauren Callighen, spokeswoma­n for Minister Yasir Naqvi, in an emailed statement.

“The ministry works closely with staff to manage daily staffing demands but there are periods when staff shortages result in lockdowns as we must ensure the safety and security of staff and inmates during this period of time. Ministry is actively re- cruiting and training new staff, including correction­al officers.”

According to figures provided by the ministry, the Toronto South was on partial or full lockdown due to staffing issues for 15 days between Jan. 1 and March 31 this year. That figure doesn’t include lockdowns imposed for safety reasons — the traditiona­l purpose of the heightened security measure.

The ministry said the jail could not provide a lockdown count for April and May because the informatio­n has not yet been reviewed. But inmates and jail workers — all of whom asked the Star to withhold their names for fear of reprisal — say it has been happening nearly every weekend and frequently during the week.

As of Wednesday, inmates in one unit had been on lockdown for 32 days out of 50, according to a source inside the jail. The ministry could not confirm that number. Correction­al officers are warning inmates that it will only get worse as employees take holidays over the summer.

“It’s going to take them a while to get the bugs worked out.” SID FREEMAN DEFENCE LAWYER

Defence lawyer Sid Freeman, a Torontobas­ed director with the Criminal Lawyers’ Associatio­n, has been working with jail management to resolve some of the issues, including the cancellati­on of lawyer-client visits on weekends. She said management has responded well to her concerns.

“It’s going to take them a while to get the bugs worked out,” Freeman said. “That doesn’t make it OK in the meantime. But the important thing is whether or not we can resolve it.”

As for the larger issue of staffing-related lockdowns, Freeman said the practice must stop.

“There are a lot of guys in there who are awaiting trial, and when you are awaiting trial you are presumed innocent.”

 ??  ?? Correction­al officer M arrives for a meeting Etobicoke. Vieselmey correction­al workers
Correction­al officer M arrives for a meeting Etobicoke. Vieselmey correction­al workers

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