Toronto Star

Crisis leaves Greek honeymoone­rs stuck in NYC


NEW YORK— Newlyweds Valasia Limnioti and Konstantin­os Patronis’s long-planned “dream trip” to the United States ended in New York City, where their three-week honeymoon quickly turned into a nightmare: Their Greek-issued credit and debit cards were suddenly declined and they were left penniless.

“We were hungry, and I cried for two days,” Limnioti said. “I felt homeless in New York.”

The couple skipped a few meals before spending their last dollars on dinner at McDonald’s. Strangers from two Greek Orthodox churches in Queens came to the rescue, giving them survival cash until their flight home to Greece on Friday.

The couple’s U.S. adventure started after their June 6 wedding in Volos, Greece, a port city several hours north of Athens.

Their coast-to-coast U.S. trip that took in Los Angeles and a Caribbean cruise “was the dream trip of our lives,” Limnioti said.

They had saved for a year to prepay for flights and hotels, with enough cash left for necessitie­s and pleasures. Two Greek banks issued them cards before the trip — a Visa credit card and a debit card. In Greece, they generally pay in cash, which is preferred by businesses, but they were told to have cards for the U.S.

“Everything was all right — then ‘boom!’ in New York,” Limnioti said.

Their midtown Manhattan hotel asked them to pay a $45 (U.S.) surcharge. That’s when their cards bounced. They paid with their dwindling funds.

Within days, the couple ran out of cash and “we couldn’t withdraw any money — zero,” Limnioti said.

On Tuesday, they reached out to the New York-based Greek Orthodox Archdioces­e of America, which contacted the churches in Queens’ Astoria neighbourh­ood.

The honeymoone­rs were offered about $350 from the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church and another one, St. Irene Chrysovala­ntou.

“I said to them, ‘Don’t worry, that’s why we’re here,’ ” said Rev. Vasilios Louros of St. Demetrios. “This is the Church of Christ and we always help people.” The money was withdrawn from the church’s bank account, “and that was it,” Louros said.

In addition, an undisclose­d amount came from a New York-based Greek journalist who hails from Volos.

The couple insisted they’d pay back the money but were told it was a gift, said Limnioti. She said relatives in Greece told them other Greeks abroad also were left penniless, including some patients in U.S. hospitals who cannot pay for medical care.

Limnioti, 36, is unemployed after the small business for which she worked failed. Her 39-year-old husband still has his job as a helicopter engineer for the Greek military.

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Newlyweds Valasia Limnioti, left, and Konstantin­os Patronis discuss the bad news back home in their midtown Manhattan hotel room.
MARY ALTAFFER/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Newlyweds Valasia Limnioti, left, and Konstantin­os Patronis discuss the bad news back home in their midtown Manhattan hotel room.

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