Toronto Star

What if women took over Entourage?


Culture picks, July 4 to 10: An Entourage All-Female Live Read Watch this if: You like your feminism with a dose of Lamborghin­is, champagne and Hollywood bros.

This year’s Entourage movie has really lived up to the original TV series, in that it’s more of the same excessive wealth, immature dudes and many, many skinny female models (with nothing much to say).

So it makes the perfect choice for a new gender-bending live reading series that looks at women’s roles in film and TV, created by writer Chandler Levack.

The Entourage reading includes some of Toronto’s most exciting young actors: Reign’s Katie Boland (as the movie star Vincent Chase), Strange Empire’s Cara Gee (as Vince’s older brother, Johnny “Drama”), Degrassi’s Lauren Collins (as the group’s “chauffeur,” Turtle) and award-winning improviser Kayla Lorette (as Vince’s right-hand man, Eric), plus some more surprise guests. Don’t deny that’s a movie you’d much rather see.

All proceeds go to the Sistering women’s shelter.

Thursday, July 9, 8 p.m., Bad Dog Theatre Company, 875 Bloor St. W. Shakespear­e in High Park Watch this if: You think Shakespear­e plays and the theatres they’re performed in are too stuffy.

Canadian Stage’s annual Shakespear­e in High Park returns with another double bill of the Bard. Running on alternatin­g nights throughout the summer, Julius Caesar and The Comedy of Errors offer up both tragedy and comedy depending on your mood or perhaps your pintsized guests.

This annual tradition pairs the stunning High Park amphitheat­re with creative, non-traditiona­l takes on these classic plays under the setting sun.

Can you get any more picturesqu­e than that? Yes! You can! Reserve a spot and arrive early with a blanket and a picnic. This is what summers were made for.

(Very important note: Bug repellent is your friend.)

Until Sept. 6, High Park Amphitheat­re. Monday Nights Watch this if: The phrase “Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose” makes you well up.

Five friends met at the basketball court at Queens Quay and Bathurst St. every Monday night in summer 2008. As they went through massive life changes, these weekly games weren’t just about friendly competitio­n but about personal growth. Those friends, all well-known local actors, turned their athletic tradition into an interactiv­e play that premiered in fall 2014 to widespread acclaim. It’s back this summer, as the Pan Am Games get Torontonia­ns in a sporty mood. Trust us, this is the theatre version of a Friday Night Lights episode; replace football with basketball and you can actually play with Tim Riggins.

July 10 to 26, the Theatre Centre, 1115 Queen St. W.

 ??  ?? Toronto actress Katie Boland will play a female version of Vincent Chase from Entourage in an all-female reading of the movie script.
Toronto actress Katie Boland will play a female version of Vincent Chase from Entourage in an all-female reading of the movie script.

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