Toronto Star

Extended election campaign won’t come cheap

Taxpayers on the hook for extra expenses as Harper expected to trigger race early


The extended 11-week federal election campaign Prime Minister Stephen Harper will trigger within days is going to ding taxpayers and political parties for a lot more than they budgeted.

Here’s a breakdown of extra costs, from longer rentals of offices for Elections Canada in every riding to millions more in tax credits for political donors, who always cough up when the race is on. Voting day is Oct. 19.

Paying the rent

Speculatio­n around an early campaign kickoff has already prompted many candidates to rent office space. With strip-mall rents in Toronto running about $3,000 a month, some would-be MPs are budgeting an additional $5,000 to pay landlords. (Not to mention more for electricit­y, Internet, phones, food and water for volunteers.)

Hit to taxpayers

Elections Canada had estimated a standard 37-day campaign would cost $375 million. That is now out the door as there will be higher costs for staff, longer leases for returning offices, telephones, Internet and the like. The Canadian Taxpayers Federation estimates the tally could approach $500 million.


In a long campaign, no one wants to get behind, particular­ly given the 2005-06 campaign in which Harper took an early lead and held on. Hence, advertisin­g is key, whether it’s media, flyers or lawn signs, which get damaged or stolen. It all adds up.

Campaign spending

Parties running candidates in all 338 ridings across the country would be entitled to spend $25 million in a typical 37-day campaign, but this goes up by $685,000 each additional day. That could boost the ceiling to a total of $53 million, sparking manic fundraisin­g efforts.

Donation rebates

People who donate to candidates and political parties get partial tax credits, costing the federal treasury. The law permits individual­s to donate an additional $1,500, double the usual annual amount. It’s hard to predict, but that could mean as much as $36 million more in credits based on previous election years, the Canadian Taxpayers Federation says.

Campaign reimbursem­ents

Parties and candidates getting a certain percentage of the vote, proving they have some traction with the public, get rebates for authorized expenses (such as campaign office rent) but not for other things (such as pizza for volunteers).

In the 2011 election, this cost $60 million. A longer campaign could allow more candidates and parties to qualify.

 ??  ?? Parties can spend up to $25 million on a typical 37-day campaign, but an 11-week race could double that.
Parties can spend up to $25 million on a typical 37-day campaign, but an 11-week race could double that.

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