Toronto Star

Terminated: The horrific demise of hitch BOT

Canadian-built robot had safely crossed the country, but was no match for mean streets of Philly


Hitchhikin­g, it turns out, is no less dangerous for robots as it is for humans. Hitch BOT, the beloved robot who bummed and thumbed its way across Canada and two European countries, met its untimely demise in Philadelph­ia on Saturday.

Vandals took apart the Ontario-built robot, sending online photos of its disembodie­d parts to the project’s creators.

“Someone ripped off the arms and the head is missing,” said Ryerson University communicat­ions professor Frauke Zeller, one of two project leaders. “We had to assume this was not just a Photoshop job.”

After receiving the photos, she and cocreator David Harris Smith checked online to see whether the battery was still going.

True to suspicion, it had performed its last operationa­l shutdown.

“We want to reflect on what happened to see what we can learn from it,” Zeller said. “We were all shocked and saddened by it,” she said.

“Anybody who is basically taking hitchBOT apart to salvage valuable parts will be disappoint­ed,” added Smith, who teaches communicat­ions at McMaster University.

Along with bright red eyes and a wide smile on its bucket head, hitchBOT was born with a motherboar­d, tablet and camera, but its functions are programmed to allow for limited engagement with humans, disappoint­ing possible thieves.

“Bad things happen to good robots,” the two self-described hitchBOT family members said in unison when the Star reached them in their homes Saturday night.

“R2D2 has a bad outcome in one of the Star Wars,” Harris reflected.

The co-creators hope to foster a second version of hitchBOT, or at least sire a child in the near future.

HitchBOT seemed to speak from beyond the grave Saturday.

“My trip must come to an end for now, but my love for humans will never fade. Thanks friends,” tweeted the robotic hitchhiker.

HitchBOT, having conquered Can- ada and parts of Germany and the Netherland­s, took off for a coast-tocoast adventure in the U.S., beginning in Salem, Mass., to weeks ago.

It was photograph­ed enjoying box seats at Fenway Park in Boston and staring wide-eyed at the mortal mayhem of Times Square shortly after.

Friday night, it was picked up by two men who live in Philadelph­ia, according to their Twitter accounts.

“Thanks Philly!!! You freaking Killed @hitchBOT I’m so mad right now,” tweeted Jesse Wellens shortly after a selfie with his new robotic pal.

He and a friend tweeted they would drop it off about 1 a.m. at Elfreth’s Alley, a historic cobbleston­ed street 100 metres from the Delaware River in downtown Philadelph­ia. That was the last place hitchBOT was seen.

It has more than 43,000 Twitter followers, 13,000 of whom began to track it in the last two weeks.

It was designed to be a talking travel companion and could toss out factoids and carry limited conversati­on. A GPS in the robot tracked its location, and a camera randomly snapped photos about every 20 minutes to document its travels.

During past travels, the robot attended a comic convention and a wedding, and it had its portrait painted in the Netherland­s. It once spent a week with a heavy metal band.

 ??  ?? Created as a social experiment, hitchBOT was vandalized just two weeks after it set off in an attempt to hitchhike across the U.S.
Created as a social experiment, hitchBOT was vandalized just two weeks after it set off in an attempt to hitchhike across the U.S.

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