Toronto Star

Lion bone trade sparks fears for wild cats’ survival

Demand for substance used in Asian medicine could lead to widespread poaching


PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA— On a recent sunny morning, South African customs official Hugo Taljaard displays the illicit substances he uses to train his sniffer dogs: little packets of marijuana and cocaine and a mossy brown rhino horn, valued in Asia for its purported medicinal benefits.

But Taljaard has had to add something new to the collection — two cream-coloured lion vertebrae, each roughly the size of a hockey puck.

“We don’t want to be caught off guard,” said the 51-year-old Taljaard, speaking at his training facility outside Pretoria.

While the untimely death of Cecil the lion is dominating headlines, conservati­onists say the anger toward hunting is misplaced.

“Illegal killing and poaching of lions are occurring at a massive scale, which are contributi­ng at a far greater extent to the current devastatin­g decline of the species,” said Susie Sheppard, media director for Panthera, a coalition of cat academics dedicated to conservati­on.

Poaching of lions, sometimes inadverten­tly in wire snares set for their prey and increasing­ly specifical­ly for their body parts to feed an insatiable demand in Asia, occurs throughout the continent.

On Saturday, Zimbabwean wildlife authoritie­s said they had suspended the hunting of lions, leopards and elephants in an area favoured by hunters following the killing of Cecil. Hunts by bow and arrow are suspended also, unless approved by the authority.

As authoritie­s in China crack down on illegal tiger products from Asia, wildlife vendors are turning to Africa to replenish their stocks of big-cat bones.

In 2008, South Africa issued export permits for 50 lion skeletons, reported wildlife organizati­on Traffic last month. In 2011, the country granted permits for 573 lion skeletons — a 90-per-cent spike.

Unlike rhino horn, the trade in lion bones is legal. South Africa issues CITES (Convention on Internatio­nal Trade in Endangered Species) permits to businesses that export the bones, the end product of a long chain that usually begins with hunting captive-bred lions.

In 2013, 39 CITES permits representi­ng more than 500 kilograms of lion bones were issued: enough, according to South Africa’s environmen­t officials, to satiate the market and keep wild lions safe.

“There has not been any poaching of wild lions in South Africa,” said Albi Modise, chief director of communicat­ions at the ministry of the environmen­t. “Most lion bones exported from South Africa are from captive breeding farms; thus, there is no impact on wild population­s.”

However, not all countries have such large captive-bred lion population­s as South Africa, where an estimated 68 per cent of 9,000 lions live in captivity, forcing people elsewhere on the continent who want to cash in on the lucrative trade to poach wild cats.

There are fears that “the appetite for lion bones has grown so great that it may stoke trade from other African countries,” said a recent article in Nature, an academic journal. “Many do not have extensive captive lion population­s, so wild cats might be put at risk.”

Already some activists are reporting that lion poaching is on the rise.

“What people don’t realize is that lions are becoming an increasing part of this illegal trade,” said Pieter Kat, a spokesman for LionAid, an advocacy organizati­on based in the United Kingdom that monitors lions in Africa. “What we’re seeing for the first time is actually lion poaching, just for their bones.”

Lion bones, which can fetch up to $2,100 U.S. for a full skeleton with skull, are used in East Asia as a substitute ingredient for tiger bones in “tiger wine,” a drink that supposedly cures such woes as rheumatism and arthritis.

Though South Africa is in the process of making its first lion management plan, it’s unlikely that the lion bone trade will end any time soon, given the profitabil­ity of lion hunting.

Hunters pay at least $22,000 to hunt a lion, said Adri Kitshoff, chief executive of the Profession­al Hunters Associatio­n of South Africa, who believes in the current lion bone system.

“Lion bones are a byproduct of the hunt, but they are not the reason of the hunt,” Kitshoff said. “If hunting were to stop, then yes, there is definitely a reason to poach.”

Taljaard hopes that lion bones don’t become as popular as rhino horn, but he isn’t taking any chances. In the field, a three-year-old black-and-white border collie is being trained to become an “endangered species” sniffer dog, able to sniff out rhino horn, abalone (a sea snail eaten as a delicacy) and now lion bones.

“We need to be ahead of the curve,” Taljaard said.

 ??  ?? A border collie examines suitcases for lion bones during a demonstrat­ion at the South African Customs Control Canine Unit.
A border collie examines suitcases for lion bones during a demonstrat­ion at the South African Customs Control Canine Unit.

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