Toronto Star

Time to ban microbeads — completely


Microbeads, those tiny bits of plastic that promise to help even out our complexion­s and polish our teeth, are clogging up our lakes, rivers and streams. In a pleasing developmen­t, the federal government has announced that it intends to classify microbeads as a toxic substance under the Canadian Environmen­tal Protection Act and introduce regulation­s banning their use in personal-care products.

This is great news and a win for people and the environmen­t. However, as always, the devil will be in the details: It still remains to be seen whether a ban will extend to all microbeads, including ones that are supposedly biodegrada­ble.

Typically one millimetre or smaller in diameter, microbeads are used in personal-care products such as cleansers, lotions and toothpaste. They are added to some products as an exfoliant, even though many natural exfoliants, such as ground apricot kernels, oatmeal and pumice, are readily available. Although microbeads were once considered innovative, they are certainly not irreplacea­ble and, perhaps most significan­tly, they are not essential enough to warrant polluting our waterways.

When products containing microbeads are used and rinsed down the drain, these bits of plastic are too small to be caught by waste-water treatment facilities. Instead, they are flushed directly into our lakes, rivers and streams.

Scientists have found millions of microbeads in parts of the Great Lakes, with the highest concentrat­ions occurring near urban areas. Studies estimate that microbeads make up 20 per cent of plastic pollution in some parts of the Great Lakes, which provide drinking water to 8.5 million Canadians.

Once they are unleashed into our waterways, microbeads can make their way up the food chain. They absorb dangerous pollutants such as PCBs and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbo­ns that are already present in the marine environmen­t.

When fish, birds and other wildlife ingest these plastics, the harmful pollutants accumulate in species low in the food chain and are passed on to larger predators, eventually contaminat­ing the fish and other wildlife species consumed by humans.

State government­s in the United States have already taken action to ban the bead. Last year, Illinois enacted legislativ­e provisions that will prohibit the manufactur­e and sale of personal-care products containing microbeads. New Jersey has recently followed suit and enacted similar legislatio­n.

To its credit, our federal government has promised to take action on microbeads. Ontario’s government is poised to move on the issue as well, particular­ly if there is foot-dragging at the federal level.

My hope is that any ban will also restrict so-called “biodegrada­ble” microbeads. This last distinctio­n is especially important because, although several companies — most recently Loblaws — have agreed to voluntaril­y phase microbeads out of their brand of products, some are planning to use so-called biodegrada­ble microbeads in their place.

The problem? Many of these biodegrada­ble microbeads are still made of plastic and may pose the same risks as synthetic microbeads.

Dozens of different types of plastics have been characteri­zed as biodegrada­ble, but there is no reliable evidence supporting the accuracy of these claims or proof that these products are safe for the environmen­t. There is no generally accepted standard or test among scientists for what constitute­s biodegrada­ble plastic, let alone reliable test data for performanc­e under real-life conditions.

Some biodegrada­ble plastics only partially degrade, leaving residual fragments to linger in the environmen­t. Other types degrade into various components, including toxic inorganic compounds. Others still take an indetermin­ate amount of time to degrade in a real-life marine environmen­t (which is often cold and offers little sunlight) and are ingested by wildlife while they are still whole, causing the same harms as synthetic microbeads.

With industry starting to come onside, the key will be for government to stop the flow of all plastic microbeads, synthetic and biodegrada­ble, into our beautiful lakes, rivers and streams. If we are going to ban the bead, let’s make sure we get it right.

 ??  ?? Pierre Sadik is a lawyer and manager of legislativ­e affairs with Ecojustice, Canada’s only national environmen­tal law charity.
Pierre Sadik is a lawyer and manager of legislativ­e affairs with Ecojustice, Canada’s only national environmen­tal law charity.

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