Toronto Star

Pakistani terrorist targets Bollywood film

Man wanted for the Mumbai attacks in 2008 says film that imagines his death is Indian propaganda


ISLAMABAD— A Pakistani militant leader with a $10-million bounty on his head over his alleged involvemen­t in the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks now has a new target: a Bollywood film that imagines his assassinat­ion.

In a twist worthy of a movie itself, a lawyer for Hafiz Mohammed Saeed wants to ban the upcoming film Phantom from being shown, arguing it is Indian propaganda meant to hurt the image of Pakistan abroad.

But beyond the choreograp­hed mayhem of the film’s imagined, perfectly coiffed spies, the movie’s premise lays bare the anger still felt over the Mumbai attacks, which killed 166 people, as well as tensions between the two nuclear-armed rival countries.

“I am surprised and amused that a wanted terrorist has gone and filed a petition,” film director Kabir Khan recently said, according to the Press Trust of India news agency. “He is the one who is spreading hate agenda and he is opposing the film, without even knowing what the film is about.”

Spy revenge films are nothing new. There was Zero Dark Thirty, which focused on the U.S. special forces’ raid in Pakistan that killed Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, and Munich, the Stephen Spielberg film on Israel’s retaliator­y assassinat­ions of Palestinia­ns over the 1972 Olympic Games attack by Black September.

In Phantom, based on the novel Mumbai Avengers by S. Hussain Zaidi, Indian spies target those behind the Mumbai siege, a three-day rampage that saw gunmen attack two luxury hotels, a Jewish centre and a busy train station in India’s financial capital. But unlike the novel, which used pseudonyms for those accused of plotting the attack, Phantom apparently names Saeed, as well as American David Coleman Headley, who was sentenced to 35 years in a U.S. prison for his role in planning the siege.

Authoritie­s in the United States and India blamed the militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, long believed to be used as a proxy by Pakistani intelligen­ce agencies against India in the disputed Kashmir region, for carrying out the Mumbai assault.

Saeed, who founded Lashkar-e-Taiba, now runs the charity Jamaat-udDawa, which India says is a front group for Lashkar. Saeed denies having any links with the militancy now.

“America struck Osama right in his home. Why can’t we do the same?” SAIF ALI KHAN IN TRAILER FOR FILM PHANTOM

The fact Saeed is named in Phantom puts him at risk, lawyer A.K. Dogar told The Associated Press.

“(The movie’s) trailer shows that this film is against Hafiz Saeed and has posed a serious threat to his life,” Dogar said. He wants Phantom, due to be released Aug. 28, to be banned from showing in Pakistan.

He’ll argue his case before a Lahore court on Thursday.

Saeed remains free in Pakistan to address crowds and lead anti-India protests. Pakistani authoritie­s once briefly detained Saeed, who has a $10-million U.S. bounty on his head.

Seven other suspects from the Mumbai blast remain on trial, though the attack’s alleged mastermind, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, has been free on bail since April. A suspected Pakistani spy service contact for the group, known as “Major Iqbal,” also has yet to be identified or captured.

That continues to anger many in India, including Phantomsta­r Saif Ali Khan. “America struck Osama right in his home,” Khan growls at one point in the film’s trailer. “Why can’t we do the same?”

 ?? RAJANISH KAKADE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif with director Kabir Khan during the trailer launch of their upcoming movie Phantom in Mumbai, India.
RAJANISH KAKADE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif with director Kabir Khan during the trailer launch of their upcoming movie Phantom in Mumbai, India.

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