Toronto Star

We need to talk about euthanasia

- R. MICHAEL WARREN R. Michael Warren is a patron of Dying With Dignity Canada, a former corporate director, Ontario deputy minister, TTC chief general manager and Canada Post CEO. r.michael.

The Harper government has done its level best to ensure the subject of physiciana­ssisted dying does not become an election issue. So far, both the New Democrats and Liberals seem satisfied to ignore it as well. This, despite the fact that more than two-thirds of Canadians agree that some form of euthanasia should be legal.

For six months, the Conservati­ves managed to ignore the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision striking down the federal prohibitio­n against physiciana­ssisted dying (PAD). They maintained the charter right to life doesn’t mean an absolute prohibitio­n on assistance in dying.

The decision set out clear conditions under which PAD is permissibl­e. They gave the federal and provincial govern- ments until next February to fashion implementa­tion laws.

Federal lawyers argued unsuccessf­ully that retaining the ban would demonstrat­e that all life is worthy of protection — particular­ly the most vulnerable in our society. But they had difficulty demonstrat­ing that the mentally ill, the severely handicappe­d and others were being harmed in jurisdicti­ons that allow assisted dying.

Last month, Harper finally establishe­d a panel to consult the public on options to deal with the ruling. To no one’s surprise, the panel is not expected to report until after the election. But some observers were surprised by the way the government stacked the three-person panel with two members, including the chair, who oppose physician-assisted dying.

Speaking directly to the Conservati­ve core, Justice Minister Peter MacKay emphasized the government’s approach would not be dictated by the findings of the panel. He also said he will ask the Supreme Court for more time to respond.

Advocates are concerned. If the Conservati­ves are re-elected they may either bring in legislatio­n that distorts the Court’s intent, or use the constituti­on’s “opting out” clause to override the Court’s ruling.

This month, the Wynne government in Ontario provided welcome leadership by establishi­ng a nine-member panel to advise 11 provinces and territorie­s. The panel is to “focus on the needs of patients and their families.” Advocates for physician-assisted dying say this is “refreshing” and in sharp contrast to the federal approach.

Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins acknowledg­ed that it’s a challengin­g task. But he said it’s important for people who are suffering intolerabl­e pain to have the option of “dying as dignified as possible.”

Unlike the federal panel, this group is composed of members who have advocated on both sides of the issue. Co-chair Maureen Taylor is the wife of the late Dr. Donald Low, who made an impassione­d video appeal for PAD in his final days of fighting brain cancer. The other co-chair is Dr. Jennifer Gibson, of the University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics.

Those who oppose PAD represent a small but vocal minority. They maintain it’s a divisive and dangerous practice. But a comprehens­ive survey by Ipsos Reid in 2014 of Canadian attitudes paints a much different picture.

Nine in ten agree a person should not be forced to endure intolerabl­e suffering. The severely disabled — in contrast to the Conservati­ve position — are 85 per cent in favour. Members of the regulated health profession­s are equally supportive.

Terminally ill patients in Quebec now have the right to physician-assisted dying. In June a non-partisan bill passed on a free vote: 94-22. In addition to Quebec, 10 countries and five American states have some form of legalized euthanasia.

The Ipsos Reid survey of 2,500 Canadians found that 90 per cent of Liberals and 89 per cent of NDP voters supported assisted dying. Despite Harper’s position on this issue, 77 per cent of Conservati­ve voters polled favoured it.

There are few complex, emotional issues in this country that can claim such a national consensus. Given these levels of support it is difficult to understand why the Harper government is so opposed to physician-assisted dying, and the Liberals and NDP so silent.

Whoever forms the next government will have to deal with this issue, and promptly. Canadians deserve to know more about how each party plans to proceed with it after Oct. 19.

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