Toronto Star

‘He’s really nice’ — friendisms, translated

Those vague euphemisms that people use to describe blind dates, and what they really mean


So your friend wants to set you up, huh?

Let me guess: He’s totally awesome, funny, cute, and you guys would definitely hit it off.

If this is your best friend, you can stop reading now and go on that date. Because besties know you and know what you like. Girlfriend would never set you up with a total dweeb.

But maybe this setup comes from a co-worker whose last name you can never remember. Or that girl you went on a couple of friend dates with last month. How can she play matchmaker if she doesn’t know about your aversion to sushi and your fondness for freckles, or get your bone-dry sense of humour?

If she’s friendly with you and him, her loyalty lies somewhere in the middle. So when she describes him, her explanatio­n will be riddled with friendisms — euphemisms or descriptio­ns of someone’s characteri­stics whittled down into an innocuous statement such as “he’s funny.” What does that even mean? What if he’s Daniel Tosh funny? #HardPass.

To help you filter through the fluff and find the actual gold nuggets, we’ve come up with an unscientif­ic list of common friendisms and translated them into real talk. Because that’s what real friends do. Friendism: He has a great personalit­y (mentioned before any other characteri­stic). Translatio­n: As Yoda would say, a Chris Hemsworth he is not. He’s really active. Translatio­n: He does CrossFit competitio­ns and has no less than three buckets of mega-ultra-ripped-primal-animal-instinct protein powder on top of his fridge. He’s really into the outdoors. Translatio­n: He goes camping or hiking every weekend. If you’re into campfire hair and doing your business in a hole in the ground, then by all means go for it. Otherwise, come hang with us on the couch. He’s super outgoing. Or: He has a lot of friends. Translatio­n: Dude hates to be alone. Most of your dates will probably include other people. So will your romantic getaways. He’s kind of quiet. Translatio­n: Get ready to do all the talking. He’s really nice. Translatio­n: You’re probably already asleep. Yup, he’s that boring. He’s charming. Translatio­n: He might also be a womanizer. He’s really into yoga. Translatio­n: Expect to hear a lot about being centred or the importance of breathing mindfully. Take a deep breath and namaste yourself outta there. He’s kind of nerdy. Translatio­n: This could go either way. He could be an adorkable, quirky Joseph Gordon-Levitt or an awkward, never-been-kissed Michael Cera. Ask your friend to elaborate. He’s preppy. Translatio­n: Boat shoes and lobster-patterned shorts. ‘Nuff said. He’s artistic, edgy or kind of a hipster. Translatio­n: He has visible tattoos and is fond of beanies regardless of the weather. How do you feel about man buns? He has a great sense of humour. Translatio­n: See “he has a great personalit­y,” above. Girlfriend, you’re welcome.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? If your friend says your blind date-to-be is artistic, edgy or kind of a hipster, it probably means he has visible tattoos and is fond of beanies.
DREAMSTIME If your friend says your blind date-to-be is artistic, edgy or kind of a hipster, it probably means he has visible tattoos and is fond of beanies.

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