Toronto Star

Scott Walker, nonsense talker


Re U.S. presidenti­al candidate considers wall with Canada, Aug. 31 On Oct. 29, 2014, a young man with a grudge against western military incursions in Islamic countries shot and killed a Canadian soldier in Ottawa before being killed himself.

Wisconsin governor and Republican presidenti­al candidate Scott Walker says a proportion­ate response could be to build a 5,000-mile wall along the border between the U.S. and Canada. He would have us believe that he wants to be the U.S. president but in reality he wants to cower behind a wall.

How will we know when the terrorists have won? When a supposed contender to the highest office in the land calculates that fear mongering on a moronic level is the path to victory. Trevor Amon, Victoria Imagine the cost of building a wall considerin­g that Mexico’s border with the U.S. is minuscule compared to Canada’s. But then I would be curious to know just how such a wall would be built through Niagara Falls, let alone the Great Lakes system. Alan Pellettier, Scarboroug­h Indeed, we should support Scott Walker’s desire to have a wall built along the Canada-U.S. border. One only has to look at the espoused policies and statements made by people like Donald Trump, leading Republican contender for the U.S. presidency, to realize a wall would definitely make Canadians feel safer. J. Richard Wright, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont. We should consider the unintended benefit that could flow to Canada from this proposal. It might protect us from an influx of brain-dead knuckle draggers who, in the absence of such a wall, would be prone to rape, loot, pillage, plunder and burn throughout Canada. Jeez . . . does climate change do this to the brain? Les Morrison, Burlington, Ont.

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