Toronto Star

Swords, mountains and missed trains


Loosely based on history, Dragon Blade is a confusing action-drama that, despite being a box-office titan in China, lands here with a dull thud.

Jackie Chan is Huo An, peacemakin­g head of the Silk Road Protection Squad and the most accommodat­ing guy in the ancient world, even when engaging in epic fights.

His army is unjustly banished to repair a ruined outpost where the Romans, led by Lucius (John Cusack), turn up demanding supplies. After some initial tension, Huo and Lucius form an alliance. Their supporters bond with a fighting skills dance-off and the singing of heartfelt anthems. But the party’s over when power-mad Roman Tiberius arrives (Adrien Brody with a lousy wig and a wobbly faux British stage accent). How mean is Tiberius? He can catch a flying sword in his bare hand without wincing. And he did something really horrible to his angelic baby brother Publius, whom Lucius is determined to protect.

The fight scenes are well-choreograp­hed, flying arrows and swords engineered to show off 3D skills. Dragon Blade is not being released here in 3D. It wouldn’t help anyway. Linda Barnard If you’re ever stranded in New York City, even minus his Captain America duds, you’d think Chris Evans would be just the guy you’d want to start pitching crazy plans to get you home.

Not so with Before We Go, a lightweigh­t, aimless romance where Evans makes his directing debut and also stars.

He’s Nick, a trumpet-playing busker who befriends out-of-towner Brooke (Alice Eve) after her purse is stolen and the last train has pulled out of Grand Central Station.

They wander Manhattan streets on a mission to get Brooke home before 8 a.m., a deadline she has good reason not to miss. The concept seems influenced by Richard Linklater’s time-limit relationsh­ip dramas but the committee-written script has neither his flair for language, nor insight. And the two leads just never seem to click.

They talk about life and love (she’s married and doubting; he’s broken hearted) as they work through the series of escapades Nick cooks up to get Brooke home. But these episodes feel forced, like Evans is ticking off scenes to finish his filmmaking homework. Worse, with wobbly intensity and little magic, we don’t really care if Brooke stays or goes. Linda Barnard Filmmaker Cameron Labine probably should have chosen another title to avoid confusion with the TV series of the same name but that shouldn’t detract from enjoying this slight-but-amusing family dramedy about two estranged brothers who end up bonding after finding themselves trapped on a snowy mountain.

Actor Tyler Labine (brother of Cameron) utilizes his considerab­le comic talents to great effect, a big reason the film works as well as it does.

He plays Toph, the older brother who stayed behind, eking out a living as a disc jockey and pot dealer. His ability to roll a reefer while driving is oddly impressive. Younger brother Cooper, who headed off to New York City, is back home for mom’s remarriage but his life isn’t quite as “fancy” or troublefre­e as he wants people to believe.

Ex-model Chace Crawford demonstrat­es some aptitude as an actor, bringing a brooding quality to his character without overplayin­g it. Britt Irvin does a fine job in the small but important role as Toph’s pregnant girlfriend, Leah.

The script has plenty of salty language and dialogue that rings authentic.

The story is well-constructe­d with a conclusion that will leave you smiling. And the scenery in and around Revelstoke, B.C. is awesome. Bruce DeMara

 ??  ?? Mountain Men
(out of 4) Starring Tyler Labine, Chace Crawford. Written and directed by Cameron Labine. 85 minutes. Opens Friday at the Royal. 14A
Mountain Men (out of 4) Starring Tyler Labine, Chace Crawford. Written and directed by Cameron Labine. 85 minutes. Opens Friday at the Royal. 14A
 ??  ?? Dragon Blade
(out of 4) Starring Jackie Chan, John Cusack and Adrien Brody. Written and directed by Daniel Lee. 103 minutes. Opens Friday at the Carlton. VOD same day. 14A
Dragon Blade (out of 4) Starring Jackie Chan, John Cusack and Adrien Brody. Written and directed by Daniel Lee. 103 minutes. Opens Friday at the Carlton. VOD same day. 14A
 ??  ?? Before We Go
(out of 4) Starring Chris Evans and Alice Eve. Directed by Chris Evans. 95 minutes. Opens Friday at the Carlton, VOD same day. 14A
Before We Go (out of 4) Starring Chris Evans and Alice Eve. Directed by Chris Evans. 95 minutes. Opens Friday at the Carlton, VOD same day. 14A

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