Toronto Star

Just who are the barbarians?


Re Conservati­ves betting on rhetoric of fear, Oct. 5

Our Muslim-hating government has come up with yet another intolerant tactic. We are now supposed to turn in our Muslim neighbours if we suspect they are participat­ing in barbaric religious practices. Shades of Nazi Germany.

Stephen Harper, a Christian fundamenta­list, seems obsessed with the hatred of Islam. A few years ago in Alberta he was fanning the flames of hate against Sikhs in turbans. Who will Harper target next? Natives, blacks or Asians?

He has to go unless this is the kind of intolerant Canada we want.

Jim Purdie, Toronto

Every six days a woman in Canada is killed by her spouse. Every 17 minutes a woman in Canada is raped. Wife battering is endemic. I don’t think “Christian culture” should be throwing stones.

John Blazina, Toronto

Men debating with men what women can or cannot wear. How barbarian and medieval is that? Women, rise up and vote.

R. Merrill, Thamesford, Ont.

Bravo to Mr. Harper for having the courage to lead the crusade against the barbaric cultural practices sweeping this land of oldstock Canadians. Why not also ban circumcisi­on, then go after neighbours with tattoos, piercings, waxing, and finally “man buns.” Sign me up for this version of Neighbourh­ood Watch.

I remain a flap-happy, flag waving patriot! Don Quinlan, Toronto

The political parties are doing a great job of diverting us from the real issues facing Canada. If we don’t fix the climate there won’t be anyone to either wear a niqab, or decry the wearing of them.

Peggy Takata, North York

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