Toronto Star

Hitch’s happiness hinges on having good food

Patient goldendood­le loves roast chicken but hates baths and small talk


Meet Lilla Stuart and Hitch.

As a mild-mannered canine with infinite patience, Hitch has mastered the fine art of subtlety. Rather that creating a ruckus when nature calls, he positions himself by the front door and waits. And waits, and waits. On the rare occasion when things aren’t moving along, Hitch resorts to slipping under the dining table to chew on Stuart’s leg.

True to the goldendood­le personalit­y, Hitch prefers the company of people to that of his fellow four-leggers. His only incentive for socializin­g in the dog park is to get wind of his canine pal’s owner, allowing him to make a beeline for the human.

Hitch is partial to toys that squeak, which makes things easy when Stuart encourages him to, “Go get your squeak.”

His toys are surprising­ly intact for a large, energetic dog and “the reason there are piles of them everywhere” explains Stuart.

While his Achilles heel is his stomach, Hitch can devour a Thinkers chew stick (a treat obviously named for offering dogs some quality contemplat­ive time) in the time it takes to put the package away.

And he is partial to the non-GMO chicken variety as they are the smelliest.

What is Hitch’s idea of perfect happiness? When he has food that he really enjoys — like if we have a roast chicken for dinner and he gets some of it, he comes in here and rolls on the ground and he makes this sound, “Waaaaooooo.” (Picture your favourite uncle when he loosens his belt, stretches out on the couch and groans contentedl­y after a big holiday meal — kind of like the dog version of that.)

What is Hitch’s current state of mind? Just lying here waiting. He’s not sure what for, but if he waits long enough he knows he’ll find out.

What is Hitch’s greatest fear? He has a fear of empty rolling garbage cans and paper boxes. On garbage day — oh my God — it’s almost impossible to take him for a walk.

What is the trait Hitch most deplores in others? The trait that he deplores in others is chit-chat. He can’t understand why people have to stop and chit-chat when there is a good park waiting just around the corner. He does hate it. He actually humps my leg every time I stop.

What or who is the greatest love of Hitch’s life? Whoever has the treat in their hand.

Which talent would Hitch most like to have? The ability to open doors.

What does Hitch consider his greatest achievemen­t? The 625 kilometres we walked together during the five months of training we did for OneWalk to Conquer Cancer.

If Hitch were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be? A dog. This is the life!

What does Hitch regard as the lowest depth of misery? Being ushered into a bath after the euphoria of rolling on the forest floor.

What does Hitch most dislike about his appearance? He’s been told he is cuter than anything on Earth, so is unable to answer this question.

Which historical figure does Hitch most identify with? Elvis Presley because he has the ability to make the girls swoon with a single look and he also loves peanut butter sandwiches (but hold the bananas).

Who is Hitch’s hero of fiction? Harry the Dirty Dog — whom he emulated yesterday!

Who are Hitch’s heroes in real life? The search and rescue dogs of 9/11.

What is Hitch’s motto? Author Corey Ford said it best: “Properly trained, a man can be dog’s best friend.”

 ?? ANDREW FRANCIS WALLACE/TORONTO STAR ?? Lilla Stuart and her goldendood­le, Hitch, at their home. Hitch hates when people chit-chat, Stuart says, and will hump her leg every time she does it.
ANDREW FRANCIS WALLACE/TORONTO STAR Lilla Stuart and her goldendood­le, Hitch, at their home. Hitch hates when people chit-chat, Stuart says, and will hump her leg every time she does it.

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