Toronto Star

Trudeau backs Wynne’s Ontario pension plan

Pledges to reverse Harper’s plans to derail it during whirlwind meeting with premier


Justin Trudeau has begun repaying Premier Kathleen Wynne for helping him become prime minister.

Upon being sworn in to succeed Prime Minister Stephen Harper next Wednes- day, Trudeau will reverse his predecesso­r’s attempt to derail the Ontario Retirement Pension Plan.

That announceme­nt came after a 30minute meeting Tuesday at Queen’s Park between the two leaders.

“We made progress on our mutual com- mitment to build greater retirement security for Ontarians and Canadians,” said Zita Astravas, Wynne’s director of media relations. The incoming federal government “will direct the Canada Revenue Agency” and finance department­s to work with Ontario officials on the registrati­on and administra­tion of the ORPP, she said.

“This would be the same assistance with pension administra­tion that the federal government has extended in the past to Quebec and Saskatchew­an,” she said, adding the ORPP is being designed to integrate with any future Canada Pension Plan enhancemen­ts.

Finance Minister Joe Oliver said in July that Ottawa would not provide administra­tive support for Wynne’s plan because the Conservati­ves felt it would “take money from workers and their families, kill jobs and damage the economy.”

“Just a great conversati­on on a wide range of issues. Look forward to working together.” JUSTIN TRUDEAU AFTER MEETING WITH PREMIER KATHLEEN WYNNE

“Administra­tion of the ORPP will be the sole responsibi­lity of the Ontario government, including the collection of contributi­ons and any required informatio­n,” Oliver, who lost his Eglinton-Lawrence seat on Oct. 19, said at the time. During the campaign, Harper boasted that he was “delighted” to hinder the Ontario plan, which launches in 2017. “Kathleen Wynne is mad that I won’t help her do that . . . You’re bloody right. The Conservati­ve government is not going to help bring in that kind of tax hike.”

Wynne created the Ontario plan after Harper refused to bolster CPP, which pays out a maximum benefit of little more than $12,000 annually.

Trudeau received a hero’s welcome at Queen’s Park as he arrived to thank Wynne for her help in winning power.

“Just a great conversati­on on a wide range of issues. Look forward to working together,” he told reporters as he rushed away from the meeting in the premier’s second-floor office.

In a joint statement, the leaders confirmed they said “the incoming federal government and the government of Ontario will be active partners in the national discussion on pension enhancemen­t, including the CPP and ORPP.”

“We discussed the importance of investing in infrastruc­ture. Ontario is making the largest investment in public infrastruc­ture in the history of the province, and the new federal government’s commitment to infrastruc­ture investment means we will be able to work together to do more, faster,” the Liberal duo stated.

“We reaffirmed our commitment to ongoing collaborat­ion and co-operation on climate change, including plans for the upcoming COP21meeti­ng in Paris,” the pair said of the United Nations climate change summit that Trudeau and the premiers will attend in December.

“We discussed our commitment to work with First Nations, Métis and Inuit partners, and the incoming federal government’s pledge to call a national inquiry on missing and murdered indigenous women and girls.”

Trudeau’s courtesy call was arranged because he was in Toronto for the funeral of Canadian diplomat Ken Taylor, which Wynne also attended.

While it was a brief stop, he briefly disrupted the work day of most Liberals at Queen’s Park.

Scores of them — including Wynne, cabinet ministers, MPPs and aides — gathered on the front steps of the Ontario Legislatur­e to applaud him. Even some demonstrat­ors rallying for awareness of eating disorders cheered the incoming prime minister.

Trudeau already enjoys some of the trappings of being leader of a G7 nation.

He flew to Toronto aboard a government Challenger jet and arrived at Queen’s Park in a three-car motorcade, though he was riding in an unremarkab­le black Toyota Sienna minivan.

Wynne played a key role in the Liberals’ Oct. 19 majority election win. The Grits took 80 of Ontario’s 121 seats, compared to 33 for Harper’s Conservati­ves and eight for the New Democrats led by Thomas Mulcair. She aggressive­ly campaigned against Harper, who refused to meet face-to-face with her for 396 days between 2014 and 2015.

 ?? RICHARD J. BRENNAN/TORONTO STAR ?? Premier Kathleen Wynne hugs prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau, who got a hero’s welcome in Ontario.
RICHARD J. BRENNAN/TORONTO STAR Premier Kathleen Wynne hugs prime minister-designate Justin Trudeau, who got a hero’s welcome in Ontario.

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