Toronto Star

Regional vote setback points to vulnerabil­ity of India’s Modi, BJP

Prime minister concedes defeat in Bihar, faces criticism from own ranks


NEW DELHI— Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India suffered a severe political setback on Sunday when the voters of Bihar, the country’s third most populous state, overwhelmi­ngly rejected Modi’s party in state assembly elections.

Modi, who had eagerly cast the Bihar elections as a referendum on his first 17 months as India’s leader, conceded defeat shortly after noon on Sunday.

Recriminat­ions were swift within his Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. Some party leaders questioned whether Modi had erred in the closing weeks of the Bihar campaign by elevating hard-right appeals to Hindu nationalis­m over his traditiona­l unifying message of vikas, or developmen­t, for all Indians.

Those appeals — in which Modi depicted his opponents as favouring Muslims and insulting cows, a revered Hindu holy symbol — fell flat in Bihar, a desperatel­y poor state in eastern India where millions of people eke out a living as subsistenc­e farmers without the basics of electricit­y, plumbing or even two meals a day.

While pollsters had predicted a close election, the actual results were anything but: the BJP and its allies won less than half as many seats in the 243-member state assembly as the “grand alliance” of parties that joined forces to oppose Modi.

One prominent political analyst, Shekhar Gupta, summed up the lesson of the election this way: “Mr. Modi is beatable.”

The defeat also means that Modi will enter the winter session of Parliament without the political momentum to force through major overhauls of taxation, labour rules and land use that he sees as critical to accelerati­ng India’s growth and attracting more foreign investors.

The battle for Bihar played out against a raging national debate over whether Modi’s India is becoming increasing­ly intolerant of secularist­s, Muslims and political dissent in general. According to the police, four Muslims were attacked and killed by mobs of Hindus in the past six weeks because they were suspected of stealing, smuggling or slaughteri­ng cows.

Hundreds of writers, filmmakers, scientists and academics have protested what they see as rising intoleranc­e by signing petitions or returning awards they had received from government-supported bodies.

“This is a victory of unity over divisivene­ss. Humility over arrogance,” Rahul Gandhi, a member of the grand alliance, said in a statement. Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, called the election a “defeat of intoleranc­e.”

Modi said little about Sunday’s results, other than mentioning on Twitter that he had telephoned Nitish Kumar, the leader of the grand alliance and current chief minister of Bihar, to congratula­te him. Suhasini Raj contribute­d reporting

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