Toronto Star

Let Tories try to use Senate


Re Liberals spot possible roadblock by Tory senators, Nov. 6 There is fear that the agenda of the newly elected Liberal government might be stymied by the Conservati­ve Senate the same way that Barack Obama’s agenda was stopped cold by the Republican­s in the U.S. Well, watch the public intercede now.

Canadians have spoken and are now engaged. No longer will Canadians watch their country thwarted.

Canadians were sleeping but now we are awake and ready to act to protect the democratic institutio­ns in our country.

Just watch us! Bonnie Bacvar, North York

It would be prudent for the Senate to expeditiou­sly review and pass legislatio­n approved by our newly elected Parliament. To do otherwise would be not only irresponsi­ble but potentiall­y self destructiv­e. Bill Wensley, Cobourg, Ont.

Re Appoint defeated NDP MPs to Senate, Letter Nov. 2 John Kelly’s suggestion that a whole host of defeated NDP candidates ought to be appointed to the Senate just continues the Harper regime’s habit of doing the same thing.

I, for one, support Justin Trudeau’s plan to appoint a non-partisan group to make recommenda­tions for Senate appointmen­ts. The Senate was never envisaged as a warehouse for defeated candidates. It was supposed to be a place of sober second thought, a place where any legislativ­e excesses perpetrate­d by the elected House of Commons could be controlled.

For the Senate to function as the Fathers of Confederat­ion intended it needs to be free of partisan politics, independen­t and not kowtowing to the government of the day. Bob MacMorran, Little Britain, Ont.

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