Toronto Star

Take God and the Queen out of oath


Re Trudeau’s team reflects the nation, Editorial Nov. 4 I made sure to sit through the 31 oaths of allegiance, the oath of the members of the Privy Council, and oath of office — some all in English and some mixed French and English. I loved the whole process, except for the irritant of having to hear the allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 124 times and reference to Canada only a few times, and then only in an indirect way.

These oaths are not only archaic but also irritating to all but a small percentage of Canadians and should be changed.

I came to Canada at the age of 13 and was put back in grades, which was embarrassi­ng. But what I found terribly irritating was to have to sing “God Save the Queen” every morning, reasoning that I had come to Canada not Britain.

In high school I became active in promoting the use of “O Canada” and a new flag through an associatio­n called Young Canada, both of which I lived to see before I became a Canadian citizen. I delayed taking citizenshi­p while awaiting a change in the Oath of Allegiance, which, alas, I eventually had to take because I wanted to become Canadian. I took that oath to the monarchy out of necessity not out of devotion to the Crown.

I dare say many of the ministers sworn in last week felt like I did. I love Canada to death but I have no attachment to the Crown. Tony Morra, Mississaug­a

I am very proud of my country today. Fifteen new cabinet ministers omitted “So help me God” from their oaths of office. They may or may not be religious, but the separation of church from state is music to the ears of atheists, agnostics and secularist­s.

In my country there is room for that lady with the niqab, the men in cabinet with the Sikh headdress and entering office without a mandatory invoking of the name of God.

Maybe our neighbours to the south could learn something from us. Russell Pangborn, Keswick, Ont.

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