Toronto Star

Learning the lessons of war


“We the peoples of the United Nations, determined to protect succeeding generation­s from the scourge of war . . . and to reaffirm faith in fundamenta­l human rights and the dignity and worth of the human person.”

“Lest we forget” that countries of great human suffering and loss from two world wars became the founders of the UN. From unspeakabl­e horror came both spiralling hope and aspiration­s that “never again” would the countries of the world descend to such brutality. But those leaders did more than aspire — they acted in creating the United Nations and its mandate to plan for peace.

While the UN has been successful in staving off World War III, and the numbers of regional conflicts have declined, one in every 122 people is currently displaced by war, violence and persecutio­n. Underlying issues include extremism, climate change and the unequal treatment of peoples, and especially of women.

Canada’s new political leadership has signalled and acted on its conviction that global challenges need global solutions and the UN is the global table where we come together for a better world.

The greatest generation threw the UN torch for peace. It is ours to hold high. Kathryn White, CEO, United Nations Associatio­n in Canada, Ottawa Today, as we remember our fallen heroes, let’s also not forget the futility of war. Passchenda­ele, Belgium, 1917, is a perfect example. There were over 500,000 casualties on both sides of the conflict, including 15,000 Canadians, over a piece of land that had no value either militarily or otherwise.

It was Robert Burns, the 18th century Scottish poet, who said: “Man’s inhumanity to man makes thousands mourn.” Unfortunat­ely mankind has learned nothing from the horrors of war. Max Desouza, Toronto

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