Toronto Star

Opposition campaign centres on drug bust of president’s relatives

Nephews were arrested in the U.S. on charges of traffickin­g cocaine


CARACAS, VENEZUELA— It’s the story of the year or no story at all, depending on where one falls on Venezuela’s hyper-polarized political spectrum.

Venezuelan officials kept silent Friday on the arrest this week of two nephews of first lady Cilia Flores on U.S. drug traffickin­g charges.

The South American country’s opposition leaders, meanwhile, made the news the focus of their rallies to mark the launch of the campaign season for crucial Dec. 6 congressio­nal elections.

The two young men were arrested in Haiti on Tuesday on charges of conspiring to smuggle cocaine into the United States. They are being held in New York without bail.

The opposition hammered on the scandal on Friday during nationwide events celebratin­g the official start of the fight for control of Congress — a battle that polls indicate the government may lose badly. Opposition leaders said the arrests had shocked the nation and showed the need for change after 16 years of socialist rule.

The most hard line party in the opposition coalition, Popular Will, referred to the arrests in its slogan for the campaign launch: “Today we start the shift from narco state to a better Venezuela.”

U.S prosecutor­s have investigat­ed several high-level Venezuelan officials for drug and corruption charges, but this week’s arrests marks the first time President Nicolas Maduro’s inner circle has been directly implicated. Even many government critics were surprised because they tend to see Maduro, the hand-picked successor to late president Hugo Chavez, as incompeten­t but not especially corrupt.

Neither Maduro nor any other governing official has commented on the arrests, and national media has largely blacked out the news. One of the country’s largest daily newspapers reported on the drug bust, but left out any connection to the first family.

Instead, state television has been broadcasti­ng footage of government giveaways, with poor residents lining up to receive laptops, appliances and keys to newly built apartments. On Friday, Maduro filled his Twitter feed with images of Chavez, as well as warnings to his followers not to trust biased media.

On Twitter, Venezuelan­s posted memes and jokes poking fun at a weekly television show Flores hosts titled “Celia with her family,” and mocking the administra­tion for banning a Telemundo soap opera the week of the arrests on the grounds that it glorified the lifestyle of drug trafficker­s.

The opposition coalition held a press conference to denounce the “monstrous censorship” the case re- vealed, and promised to launch an official investigat­ion once it wins control of Congress.

Opposition governor and former presidenti­al candidate Henrique Capriles demanded an official response, though he did not really seem to expect one.

“The case shows how rotten this government is,” he said.

 ??  ?? Efrain Antonio Campo Flores, foreground, right, and Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas, foreground, centre, two of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s relatives, have been indicted in the U.S. for smuggling cocaine.
Efrain Antonio Campo Flores, foreground, right, and Franqui Francisco Flores de Freitas, foreground, centre, two of Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s relatives, have been indicted in the U.S. for smuggling cocaine.

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