Toronto Star

Refugees vulnerable to being scapegoate­d

Fear of migrants shouldn’t prevail over social inclusion, human-rights advocate says


The director of Human Rights Watch says refugees escaping violence in the Middle East are in danger of being “scapegoate­d” after 129 people were killed by attackers in Paris last week.

Ken Roth, who was in Toronto on Monday for a fundraisin­g dinner, told the Star that the bigger problem is the lack of “social inclusion” that many immigrant communitie­s experience in European countries.

“There’s a tendency right now to blame the refugees, because apparently one of the participan­ts in the attacks had entered Europe with the migrant flow,” Roth said, pointing to reports that one of the Paris attackers entered Europe as a refugee in Greece.

“Europe shouldn’t allow the fear of the refugee flow to overshadow the genuine problem that it has with social inclusion, and making sure that members of prior immigrant communitie­s feel that they have a real place within European society.”

Roth has been the executive director of Human Rights Watch, a New York-based non-government­al organizati­on that’s active in more than 80 countries, since1993. In a wide-ranging conversati­on with the Star, Roth also discussed ways the humanright­s community can aim to dampen support for Islamic State, also known as ISIS, which controls swaths of Iraq and Syria and has claimed responsibi­lity for attacks in Paris and Beirut last week.

“Many people are frustrated with ISIS because they seem to be beyond shaming . . . The traditiona­l shaming methodolog­y of the human-rights movement doesn’t work,” Roth said. “But we shouldn’t look at things in such a narrow way, because even ISIS depends on recruits and external support, and in those audiences shaming is possible.”

Roth said the human-rights movement can work to expose and condemn practices within the area controlled by ISIS, such as the sexual enslavemen­t of non-Muslim women. In that way, he argued, it may be possible to detract or discourage supporters of the movement. “The more people know, the less attractive it is,” he said.

Commenting on reports that the Paris attacks originated among a group of people who were residents of Belgium and France, Roth also cautioned against any impulse to ramp up mass surveillan­ce of citizens or hastily deport dual citizens without evidence of wrongdoing.

“Whenever there’s a major terrorist attack in the West, there’s a danger we could overreact,” he said, criticizin­g the suspension of some civil liberties that occurred in the United States after 9/11. “There’s a real danger of ignoring basic rights at home as a way of making us more secure.”

Roth pointed to continuing wars in Libya, Syria and Yemen as areas facing significan­t human-rights issues. He added that Burundi, in central Africa, is facing instabilit­y reminiscen­t of the lead-up to the Rwandan genocide, and warned that peacekeepe­rs may be needed as protesters continue to denounce President Pierre Nkurunziza’s efforts to stay in power by changing the constituti­on.

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