Toronto Star

Was it ‘Stockholm Syndrome’?


Re Do these Conservati­ves take voters for fools? Opinion Nov. 15 Kudos to Bob Hepburn for shining a light on these Conservati­ve chameleons. Did they collective­ly suffer from “Stockholm Syndrome” in identifyin­g with the captor of their ethics all these years?

The public at large is very unaware, ignorant and forgetful of the past records of these opportunis­tic hypocrites. But let’s be clear: this party will never heal and properly regroup until the elephant has left the room. That is, until Stephen Harper, their messiah and Rasputin, leaves.

Harper has stated his intention to “leave the room” when the new leadership vote takes place. He should be encouraged to leave the legislatur­e for good.

The pall of his presence is too strong to ensure renewal and, for the sake of our country, ensure a progressiv­e and constructi­ve voice in opposition. David Ottenbrite, Mississaug­a Bob Hepburn hits it right on the nose when he questions the integrity of the so-called “new Conservati­ve outlook.” Why on earth would any Canadian buy into the cowardly and self-serving reversal of policies that Conservati­ves such as Rona Ambrose, Tony Clement and Kellie Leitch fully supported during Stephen Harper’s dictatoria­l reign?

If they didn’t have the guts to stand up to Harper and his minions while in office, there is no reason for the general public to believe they have anything to offer, other than their own self interests.

I find it offensive that these spineless “wannabes” expect the public to support a party that has decimated the social fabric of our country. Fools — I don’t think so. Steve Craine, Toronto

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