Toronto Star

A Full Spectrum Provider of Prostate Cancer Care


When it comes to prostate cancer, laboratory testing is crucial in helping men and their healthcare providers make the best possible health decisions, and Dynacare is one of the few laboratori­es to provide comprehens­ive care in this area. Not only does Dynacare deliver both the simple PSA blood test and the more advanced PCA3 urine test, it has staff pathologis­ts on hand who can analyze and interpret biopsies if needed.

PSA test determines baseline

Laboratory test results are an especially important element that help to empower and support patients and their doctor as they make decisions related to prostate cancer. In particular, Prostate Cancer Canada recommends that men have a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test in their 40s to establish a baseline. Determinin­g your risk of developing prostate cancer includes discussing your family history with your doctor and reviewing other risk factors, such as age and eth- nicity, along with changes in your PSA levels from baseline. If your PSA levels are found to be elevated, you will want to talk to your doctor about potential next steps, which may include the PCA3 test.

“We use a number of laboratory tests, including PCA3, to aid in the identifica­tion of patients that might have prostate cancer. The subsequent biopsies we take are routinely sent to Dynacare, where a team of expert pathologis­ts interpret the microscopi­cal appearance­s of the prostate tissue and render a diagnosis. We are also working with Dynacare on a new blood test with the potential to further aid in diagnosing this disease,” says Dr. Neil Fleshner, Head of the Division of Urology at the University Health Network.

Coming up with the best course of action

When patients and their healthcare providers decide a biopsy is necessary, anatomical pathologis­ts analyze and interpret the results that, along with other medical informatio­n, determine the aggressive­ness of the prostate cancer. A diagnosis of prostate cancer does not necessaril­y mean that aggressive surgical or radiation treatment is needed, however. If the cancer is small and slow-growing the best approach might be to follow an active-surveillan­ce protocol, which involves closely monitoring prostate cancer using PSA tests and digital rectal exams (DREs).

“In nearly all cases, prostate cancer is diagnosed by analysis and interpreta­tion of prostate biopsy specimens. The Dynacare team of highly respected surgical pathologis­ts who specialize in prostate cancer perform the analysis and interpret these biopsy samples,” says Dr. John Srigley, Dynacare’s National Director of Urological Pathology. “This is one of the largest prostate biopsy services in the province.”

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