Toronto Star

Custodian of us all


Maurice Strong, the planet’s “first official custodian,” didn’t live to see the result of the global climate conference in Paris which he did so much to inspire. But its outcome will form part of his legacy as will the example he set in showing how much can be accomplish­ed through insight and dogged determinat­ion.

The 86-year-old visionary’s death was announced late last week, generating condolence­s from around the world. In a remarkable life that began in poverty during the Depression in Oak Lake, Man., Strong came to be a legendary figure in the worlds of business, environmen­tal protection, internatio­nal aid and United Nations activism.

Today, as national leaders and others meet in Paris for UN-sponsored talks on climate change, Strong is being credited with putting the environmen­t on the internatio­nal agenda. And rightly so. He was instrument­al in arranging the UN’s first huge conference on the global environmen­t, in Stockholm back in 1972.

And he didn’t stop there. He was named head of the new UN Environmen­t Program, pioneering its work as an authority on sustainabl­e developmen­t. When he later accepted an offer from then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau to head Petro-Canada, a New York Times editorial dubbed him the planet’s prime custodian.

That descriptio­n became even more appropriat­e in 1992 — long after Stockholm — when Strong presided over the massive Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. That watershed produced the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, laying groundwork for the Kyoto Protocol and the meeting in Paris now underway.

Strong’s approach was characteri­zed by extraordin­ary far-sightednes­s, raising an early alarm on climate and environmen­tal issues, and by a tenacious commitment to pressing for change.

This blend of vision and persistenc­e is precisely what’s needed from world leaders, now and in years to come. Whatever its result, Paris won’t mark the end of a journey toward a sustainabl­e planet but, rather, another stage on that odyssey.

A great deal of work remains, especially for Canada. Bold, sustained action is needed to overcome decades of negligence — half-measures or none at all — at the federal level.

Armed with well-crafted policies and the persistenc­e to carry them out, Canada’s political leaders can strike a determined blow in the fight against climate change. There could be no better tribute to the life and work of Maurice Strong.

Environmen­tal visionary left a remarkable legacy that is bearing fruit with UN conference on climate change

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