Toronto Star

Refugees will make us a better nation


Re Canada does well by immigrants, says integratio­n study, Dec. 27 Some Canadians say Syrian refugees are not welcome because there may be terrorists among them. They need to relax. We must never fear accepting refugees. Even if there will be problems with this newest wave of refugees, and there are bound to be some, goodwill and compassion must always triumph over fear.

Even though we presently have problems meeting the needs of many poor Canadians, our doors for refugees must remain open. The larger problems this will produce will no doubt require our larger effort but we must not be afraid of this task.

We must never fear refugees or the challenges they will bring. Our freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes. Whenever we do make them, this is Canada and we will overcome them.

It would certainly be a real black mark on Canada, or any other country, to reduce or stop the process of helping refugees because of fear or a lack of compassion.

Canada is proud to be a country known for tolerance, goodwill, compassion and respect for others. Let’s hope that never changes, and let’s hope other countries will follow our lead. Bob Hicks, St. Catharines, Ont.

This holiday season has been eventful in its gift giving, spending quality time with family and enjoying a much-needed break from our jobs, schooling and other commitment­s.

I have had the special privilege of enjoying dinner with a Syrian refugee family who just recently immigrated to Canada. After spending an evening learning about their experience­s, I’ve realized that, despite our difference­s, we were all vocal in expressing our gratitude and loyalty to Canada, and shared the desire to be contributi­ng and productive citizens in this great country.

I hold Canada’s value of freedom and liberty — irrespecti­ve of religion, culture or ethnicity — very important and ideal for any modern country. As Canadians, we must value our diversity, and realize that our difference­s make us unique. Arslaan Khokhar, Brampton, Ont.

Love is better than hate. How wonderful to be inclusive rather than exclusive. It’s the heart of all religions and the basis of our understand­ing of who we are, and what we aspire to. It’s a resolution of our conscience to accept those in need.

I’m proud that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed Syrian refugees into Canadian society personally. Donald Trump’s rhetoric exposes his insecurity and feeds the protection­ist mindset of those with a need to hide in their homes with a gun. Surely the citizens of the U.S. deserve the respect of a higher standard of conscience. He might note that our prime minister’s ratings have soared while Trump shot himself in the foot.

If we are to survive, we need to accept a basic love of each other. A narrative of prejudice has no place in it.

Keep it up, Mr. Trudeau. Make us proud to be Canadian. John Wiggins, Collingwoo­d, Ont.

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