Toronto Star

NIMBYism’s balance: Pride in community vs. being toxic

- Edward Keenan

Back in June, I wrote a column making fun of many of the busybody neighbourh­ood complaints that make the news, ones I characteri­zed as “petty, whiny jerkiness.”

Exhibit A in that argument was the Cabbagetow­n fight against a local park splash pad, which some residents quoted by media imagined as a “Disneyland of Waterworks.” The ne plus ultra of entitled whining in that case was the complaint that the umbrella over the pad was to be blue, which “isn’t even a heritage colour,” according to one neighbour.

Well, in addition to the avalanche of thanks from residents of Cabbagetow­n and other places that arrived in my inbox, I got a letter from Randy Brown, the man who started the petition against the umbrella. He submitted a petition, the city said it would change the umbrella’s colour, everyone came out “smelling good,” he wrote. “Except for you, with your nasty sniping, self-righteous attitude and black-balling spew,” he said of my “condescend­ing thoughts” and suggested the Star had reached some kind of new low by publishing me.

“I presume you must live in a brown bag in the middle of the road because you don’t care what’s going on around you, except, of course, for putting down the people who do care,” he wrote in closing.

You know, he had a point. Not that I live in a brown bag, exactly — with three kids and two working parents, our house more often resembles a toy-store trash bin colonized by feral Smurfs — but that the obsessive concern of people like him over seemingly petty details is easy to mock sometimes, but it is also part of the reason his neighbourh­ood has the particular character and strong sense of community it’s famous for.

In many cases, resistance to change (or, let’s say it truthfully, resistance to progress) stems from a deep caring for neighbourh­oods

More broadly applied, I think of this as the NIMBY paradox: that even though hypervigil­ant neighbours can too often overreact and be toxically afraid of change and difference, they are also very often an indicator species of a great community. Because many of the same impulses that lead someone to (wrong-headedly) kick up a fuss about a homeless shelter or a set of stacked townhouses will also lead them to organize community meetings or set up swap meets and farmer’s markets in their local parks, or lobby politician­s for better amenities in their area.

Obviously, some perceived threats are toxic, some are silly and some are real. But what those calling the newspapers and going to the mattresses about those perceived threats have in common is a sense of ownership over their community, and an impulse to vigilantly stand up to try to make it a better place to live. And a big population of people like that is actually among the most valuable resources a neighbourh­ood can have.

It was, on some level, a not-in-mybackyard movement of Annex residents that prevented Toronto from paving a highway down Spadina Rd., and that has become among the most storied political activist movements in our city’s history. As much as the island airport has become a citywide political issue, the resistance to its expansion has always been driven most forcefully by residents of the Toronto Islands.

Less discussed are the many cases where residents who organize because of their concern about a liquor licence applicatio­n or a condo proposal don’t win, but do make things better because their opposition spurs a negotiatio­n with local residents.

I remember talking to a condo developer who told me about how one of his condos included housing for low-income people and artists strictly because of discussion­s with NIMBYs, and he bluntly advised people to fight developers to get the kind of changes that would help build a better community.

Designer Jason Logan has often told the story of how he and others in his neighbourh­ood who objected to the imposing design of a police station got a building they love instead just by standing up and making their objections and wishes known.

Sometimes this energy is misdirecte­d, and sometimes those involved seem to lack a sense of proportion. Perhaps that’s inevitable when you’re fighting for something you care about.

That’s why there are those of us out here to do our “nasty sniping” when they verge on self-parody or step over the line into city-smothering selfishnes­s.

Perhaps people like me spend too much time doing that and not enough time acknowledg­ing the brighter side of busybodies.

Perhaps, as that Cabbage own correspond­ent wrote, often I’m “part of the problem, not part of the solution.”

If so, they have their own solutions — the neighbourh­oods they love and labour for — to enjoy in consolatio­n. Part 3: Great (and less great) moments in Toronto NIMBYism Edward Keenan writes on city issues @thekeenanw­ire

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 ?? COLE BURSTON/TORONTO STAR ?? Some Cabbagetow­n residents weren’t pleased when Star columnist Edward Keenan characteri­zed as “petty” their complaints that the umbrella over a local splash pad was to be blue, which “isn’t even a heritage colour.”
COLE BURSTON/TORONTO STAR Some Cabbagetow­n residents weren’t pleased when Star columnist Edward Keenan characteri­zed as “petty” their complaints that the umbrella over a local splash pad was to be blue, which “isn’t even a heritage colour.”

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