Toronto Star

Moudakis getting cynical


Re More women to the Senate, Editorial Jan. 5 Your lead editorial was a thoughtful, balanced piece on the subject of Senate gender parity. How dismaying then, to see Theo Moudakis’ cheap, cynical, misogynist­ic, humourless cartoon adjacent to the editorial.

It depicts a group of women standing in a hallway, looking into a Gothic-arched Senate room labelled “Senate Gender Parity.” Inside the room are overflowin­g treasure chests labelled “Perks,” and “Expenses.” The women are saying “Because it’s 2016.”

Let’s let Justin Trudeau decide and judge him accordingl­y. Having publicly stated his intentions, he’s bound to appoint mostly women, I hope all idealistic women, perhaps even, (gasp!), an NDP woman.

How about no more cheap sexist cartoons? Because — it’s 2016! Douglas Buck, Toronto This cartoon surpasses all of Moudakis’ latest wave of cynicism, which kicked in as soon as the Liberals were elected. Perhaps he could wait for some actual meat to be laid out before diving in with knives flailing. Anticipato­ry action is clearly not his strong suit. K. Kilburn, Redbridge, Ont.

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