Toronto Star


How Richard Wagner’s Ring Cycle opera shares elements with modern space opera Star Wars.

- By Trish Crawford

A long time ago, in a land far, far away, Richard Wagner was creating his four-part operatic opus about the gods in the Ring Cycle, which was first performed in Germany in 1876. One hundred years later in the United States, George Lucas released his first space opera in the Star Wars saga.

That franchise continues, as does Wagner’s work — frequently reinterpre­ted, with the latest, the Canadian Opera Company’s take on Siegfried, opening Saturday at the Four Seasons Centre.

Costumes, creatures, daddy issues, masks, capes, feats of bravery, acts of treachery are strikingly similar between the two franchises. The COC staff helpfully provided the following similariti­es. Sacred weapon Star Wars: light sabre Siegfried: the sword Nothung Orphaned Hero Star Wars: Luke Skywalker

Siegfried: Siegfried Tutored by a dwarf Star Wars: Yoda Siegfried: Mime Incestuous hero twins Star Wars: Luke and Leia Siegfried: Siegmund and Sieglinde, Siegfried’s parents Circular Symbols of Power Star Wars: The Death Star Siegfried: The Ring

Monster Star Wars: Jabba the Hutt Siegfried: Fafner

Magic Helmet Star Wars: Vader’s Mask Siegfried: Tarnhelm

Evil Father Figure Star Wars: Darth Vader Siegfried: Wotan

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