Toronto Star

Remaking Toronto for a post-Paris world

- John Cartwright is president of the Toronto & York Region Labour Council. JOHN CARTWRIGHT

The world is finally starting to rise to the pressing challenge of climate change. That was the message of the United Nations Climate Conference in Paris, where world leaders identified the urgency of the crisis and signed an agreement calling on all nations to dramatical­ly reduce greenhouse gases (GHG).

The agreement reached is not perfect. Some criticize it for lacking legal teeth (though reality is that U.S. Republican­s could and would torpedo anything stronger). Meanwhile, the labour movement, which I was representi­ng as a delegate along with 35 of my colleagues, was unable to secure “just transition” language in the main document text, which was a setback for workers in the resource sectors. And the elephant in the room remains the goal of raising $100 billion an- nually to assist the green transition of developing countries.

But the internatio­nal commitment that came out of Paris does promise a great deal in terms of both the future of our planet and of our economy. Unions in a number of countries are raising the slogan of “A Million Climate Jobs” and laying out realistic proposals to achieve change at that scale. This is the framework that should define the infrastruc­ture spending now being considered by all levels of government. If billions are to be invested, let’s make sure it results in real impact on GHG reduction. Assuming that words spoken by our political leaders get translated into reality, this could mean a great deal for Greater Toronto, Ontario and Canada.

Two decades ago, Toronto created the Better Buildings Partnershi­p as a catalyst to spur energy retrofits of major buildings. The program was a stunning success, resulting in thousands of jobs, lower operating costs and a significan­t reduction of CO2 emissions. The building code was improved and programs to entice homeowners to renovate for energy savings were introduced. And a massive transit expansion was proposed by the provincial government.

Once again it is time to prioritize initiative­s that reduce the carbon footprint of Canada’s largest urban centre. Here are a few ways we might do that:

Expand the Better Buildings program to perform energy audits on office and apartment buildings, to secure financing for retrofits and connect qualified contractor­s with clients. The same concept can apply to homes through the city’s recently adopted residentia­l program.

Amend the Ontario Building Code to require much stronger environmen­tal standards. Toronto has green building criteria that should be improved and made mandatory. Develop model designs for zero-carbon buildings.

Increase financial support for solar installati­on on roofs and building facades, along with high-tech storage capacity. Toronto Hydro and municipal utilities should be key players in this work, as should Hydro One.

Move forward with decisive investment in public transit. The federal government needs to develop a true national transit strategy and the province needs to restore traditiona­l levels of support for operating costs.

Rethink how people move around on a daily basis. Urban planning should em- phasize local communitie­s where amenities are easily available within walking distance.

Vehicle emissions should be dramatical­ly reduced, and systems put in place to support hybrid and electric cars.

None of these ideas are new. The new urgency means we need to make them part of every decision made in our society.

In the U.K., unions negotiated a role for so-called “environmen­tal representa­tives” in thousands of workplaces. They help perform energy audits, promote recycling and waste reduction and suggest ways to make work processes more environmen­tally friendly. From hospitals to schools, factories to grocery stores — there are untapped opportunit­ies to drive a green agenda at work.

Canadians returned from Paris with a renewed sense of optimism. As a society we face a crucial juncture; we must choose to work together as allies with one goal — a healthy, vibrant interdepen­dent relationsh­ip with Earth and each other, where we all thrive.

It is time to prioritize initiative­s that reduce the carbon footprint of Canada’s largest urban centre

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