Toronto Star


Will it be JoJo or Lauren on Bachelor finale? Ben Higgins has pledged his love for both. Debra Yeo weighs their chances.


Three little words and two women add up to one tough decision for Ben Higgins in Monday’s Season 20 finale of The Bache

lor. The 27-year-old software account manager told both of the women still in the running on the reality dating show that he loved them, which makes the task of deciding which heart to break harder than usual. Host Chris Harrison has promised an emotional finale (airing at 8 p.m. on OMNI 2) and told media that Higgins will “pull at least a three-quarter Mesnick,” a reference to former bachelor Jason Mesnick, who chose one woman in the finale then dumped her for the runner-up. Here’s a look at how the two finalists stack up.

JoJo Fletcher

Age: 24 Hometown: Dallas, Texas Occupation: Real estate developer Best date: Playing ball with Higgins at Chicago’s Wrigley Field, which showed off her fun-loving vibe. Faux scandal: Her brothers accused Higgins of brainwashi­ng the girls on the show.

Why she could be the one: Higgins has said he feels the most himself with Fletcher, and he didn’t cut and run when her overprotec­tive brothers gave him a hard time.

Why she might not: The bits of their relationsh­ip we’ve seen seem to be based on physical chemistry, suggesting perhaps he’s more in lust than love.

Lauren Bushnell

Age: 25 Hometown: Portland, Ore. Occupation: Flight attendant Best date: Helping shepherd sea turtles back to the ocean in Jamaica, which showed off her unassuming, girl-next-door vibe.

Faux scandal: A jealous contestant told Higgins that Bushnell was two-faced.

Why she could be the one: She’s been a front-runner all season. She and Higgins made a seemingly genuine connection on Night 1 and he has said he can’t imagine his life without her.

Why she might not: The franchise has a history of editing women to look like front-runners who turn out to be also-rans.

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