Toronto Star

When a city bubbled over with pride in its subway


In huge black type, the words “Subway Opens” screamed across the front page of The Telegram. It was March 30, 1954. Toronto was the envy of Canada. Less than a decade after the war its glittering new undergroun­d train put the city in the heady company of New York, London and Paris.

Six decades later, The Telegram is long defunct and the subway is largely taken for granted. It is the source of daily criticism — too many delays, not enough capacity, poor customer service. But a new exhibit, Tunnel Vision, at the city-run Market Gallery aims to reconnect visitors with a sense of the subway’s importance to Toronto. Here’s what some had to say:

With the Tunnel Vision exhibit at the Market Gallery serving as backdrop, Star reporter San Grewal spoke to commuters who showed their loved for the subway

Michael Munday says Toronto’s subway system can’t be compared to London’s, and the exhibit reminds him of what life was like when he lived in the English capital. “It’s hard to see a subway cover as much of a city and run as efficientl­y as London’s.” His companion Emily Mattiussi, who also lived in London, said the exhibit reminds her that Toronto’s subway should still be held as a point of pride. “People definitely complained about the London subway, not quite as much as in Toronto.”

For sisters Emily, right, and Helen Stopps, Toronto’s subway is a sign of being a world-class city. “With respect to being a sustainabl­e city, subways are crucial to that,” says Helen. They admit they’re not above complainin­g about Toronto’s subway, but appreciate the city’s effort to put on the exhibit to, in part, highlight the system’s complexiti­es. “I think people should feel pretty lucky to have what we do.” Growing up in Cobourg, Ont., Emily says, “I could walk places faster than the bus.”

“The exhibit really shows how the subway is so connected with the history of the city and how (the city) grew,” said Agatha Barc. “What I love about this exhibit is that it shows that when it opened in 1954 it was really such a source of civic pride.” Barc uses the TTC every day and says it’s hard to imagine what life in Toronto would be like if there was no subway system. “We actually took the subway to visit the exhibit. It makes you appreciate what the TTC does for the city — it’s essential.”

After an accident when she was a youth Naomi Overend now uses a wheelchair. She can’t imagine life in Toronto without the subway. “I haven’t been able to use the New York system, same with London.” But the stations she uses to and from work, and most others in her day-to-day travels, are fully accessible. “I barely drive.” She says the city’s subway system negates any problems with getting around. She compares the wheelchair access in Toronto’s system with those in Helsinki and Copenhagen.

 ?? RICHARD LAUTENS PHOTOS/TORONTO STAR ?? A “rail fan” who grew up in Hamilton, Liz Passmore said she was always envious of Toronto’s subway. “I was always very conscious that Toronto was the place where if you wanted good transit, a subway, you lived in Toronto." Passmore looks at historical...
RICHARD LAUTENS PHOTOS/TORONTO STAR A “rail fan” who grew up in Hamilton, Liz Passmore said she was always envious of Toronto’s subway. “I was always very conscious that Toronto was the place where if you wanted good transit, a subway, you lived in Toronto." Passmore looks at historical...
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