Toronto Star


Who said what this week


“I don’t trust her because as secretary of state, when she had a huge megaphone to make this an issue, to show that she understand­s the connection­s between human security and climate, she didn’t use the megaphone.”

Naomi Klein, speaking on the Al Jazeera show UpFront about her issues with U.S. Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton

“The way I look at it, even if Donald Trump turns out not to be such a great president — which I don’t think is the case; I think he’s going to surround himself with really good people — but even if he didn’t, we’re only looking at four years.”

Former presidenti­al hopeful

Ben Carson rationaliz­es his endorsemen­t of the Republican front-runner to Newsmax TV

“Apparently Jay Z’s people called HBO asking for a hat. Buy the hat, Jay Z. Spring for a hat, let it trickle down.”

John Oliver tells Stephen Colbert about demand for the 35,000 “Make Donald Drumpf Again” hats that have been sold after his show mocked Trump’s original family name

“We made a couple of albums where I thought, ‘I don’t even know if this is a record. It’s just some sounds we put together.’ ”

Peter Buck tells Rolling Stone about how Pro Tools recording software affected the way his old band R.E.M. made music

“Somebody goes into another country, starts bombing civilian population­s, destroying hospitals and schools. If they decide they have done enough, let’s not give them too much praise. It’s a bit like ‘Did he stop beating his wife?’”

British Foreign Secretary Philip

Hammond on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s military withdrawal from Syria

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