Toronto Star

Shakeup needed in auditing of charities


Re Charity chill continues, Opinion March 20 Writer Rick Smith provides another perspectiv­e with his comments that political interferen­ce is behind some Canadian Revenue Agency audits.

The fundamenta­l issue that has surfaced continues to be how little some charities in fact give to their advertised fundraisin­g causes, usually 10 per cent or less. The rest goes to exorbitant thirdparty fundraisin­g fees, obscene management salaries and perks. And, in some cases, outright fraud.

Raising money for charity is big business and so the CRA should continue to ensure those organizati­ons are legitimate tax-sheltered entities. Frank Mucci, Oakville

It seems that the boldness of the current federal government to correct past wrongs has not rubbed off on the revenue minister. It is obvious to most that the CRA audit of charities critical of the policies of the Harper government was politicall­y driven, despite the claims of the then minister.

To clear the matter once and for all, the government could call the attorney general to audit the CRA process and the bureaucrat­s involved in the selection of charities for audit. Or better still, use the resources to go after the fat cats like those involved in offshore tax evasion. Salmon Lee, Mississaug­a

I do not care if charity checks are politicall­y motivated or not. All charities should be checked to insure they are not fraudulent. Money being spent on vacations, expensive gifts and hidden away in private accounts can only be caught by the CRA doing a better job.

Maybe it needs a shakeup. W. Arsenault, Napanee, Ont.

The minister is allowing these insidious audits to continue so as not to appear to be interferin­g politicall­y. Fair enough. Now how about auditing the Kochfunded Fraser Institute, or the antihealth-care National Citizens Coalition? Both have been getting a free ride and have attempted to shift public opinion from considerin­g the public good to the theology of greed. Barry Franklin, Summerstow­n, Ont.

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