Toronto Star

Grin-inducing farce takes on battle of the sexes


Character-wise, the mirror-oriented heterosexu­al middle-aged WASP male is a risky tactic. Self-possessed, self-satisfied and just plain selfish, he can come across as an affront on the page, a loathsome figure to consider or spend time with for 300 pages. While he might prove attractive — or at least fascinatin­g — in some novels (consider the irascible whining protagonis­t of Don Gillmor’s Mount Pleasant), he also categorica­lly repels in others (look no further than misanthrop­ic Raymond Gunt in Douglas Coupland’s Worst. Person. Ever.). With Mad Men’s Don Draper as an evident ancestor, gregarious Toronto ad agency proprietor Julius Roebuck isn’t exclusivel­y a divisive figure. He’s a divided one as well.

The focus of Scott Gardiner’s lightweigh­t third novel maintains a polished surface that spells success: businesses seek his unique, award-winning campaigns; his wife, an esteemed interior decorator, appears contented; his kids are smart and well-adjusted. A Range Rover and photo shoot-ready home complete the picture.

Pragmatic Julius also pencils in the occasional hotel fling and a stable ongoing affair with Lily, a poet and freelance graphic designer. All that’s missing is the novel he’s been meaning to write.

With a new hire, an ad campaign for condoms and an irresistib­le proposal from Yasmin, his wife’s single but reproducti­on-crazed business partner, Julius’s schedule circa 2008-10 becomes a whole lot more complicate­d. Throw in a vasectomy, a rash of pregnancie­s, a tangle of ulterior motives, elaboratel­y-choreograp­hed excuses, mini-treatises on evolutiona­ry biology — and a set piece involving syrup of ipecac? A speedy, intermitte­ntly grininduci­ng farce centred on the age-old battle of the sexes.

Farce isn’t the kindest or most compassion­ate of genres and Fire in the Firefly stays true to that rule. No one in it deserves Brownie badges (unless there’s a new one for juggling lies). And that’s the idea. Saints acting with kindness and generosity is beside the point. Brett Josef Grubisic lives in Vancouver and teaches at UBC. His third novel, From Up River, and For One Night Only, will be published in the spring.

 ??  ?? Fire in the Firefly by Scott Gardiner, TAP Books, 312 pages, $24.99.
Fire in the Firefly by Scott Gardiner, TAP Books, 312 pages, $24.99.
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