Toronto Star

Has a decade of Twitter use changed our brains?


Every new technology comes with accompanyi­ng fears about how its use will “change” (read: harm) our brains. But no social network has been as widely derided, demonized or scaremonge­red as Twitter, the short-form messaging service that turned 10 this week.

Time dubbed it “the crack” of Internet addiction a mere year after it launched in March 2006. Susan Greenfield, the controvers­ial British neuroscien­tist and politician, has claimed that the network has an “infantiliz­ing” effect, making adults think — and thus, behave — more like needy, hyperactiv­e children.

Twitter has also, according to popular rumour, slashed our attention spans, torpedoed our ability to read long or think deep, bewitched us with false signals of our own social importance and otherwise “rewired” our well-evolved cognitive processes.

Counter to popular perception, however, not a single one of those “harms” has been proved conclusive­ly true. In fact, virtually everything you think you know about how social media affects the brain is based on conjecture.

“There has not been one study that looked at the effects of social media on the brain,” said Dar Meshi, a cognitive neuroscien­tist at Freie Universita­t Berlin. “We don’t know anything (about how the brain changes in response to social media).”

What we do know about the brain, at this juncture, doesn’t yet add up to a vision of terror. Among the things we do know: the brain is literally always changing as it encounters new informatio­n. (In other words, “rewiring” isn’t inherently or necessaril­y bad.) Also, every brain is different and thus responds differentl­y to certain sorts of stimuli.

In December, Meshi, along with two colleagues, published a well-received review in the journal Trends in Cognitive Sciences that evaluated the current research — fewer than 10 studies, as of publicatio­n — on social media and the brain.

They found that, while we may be more stimulated than ever, no study has yet demonstrat­ed that social media is “rewiring” our brains in a way that is different or worse than, say, having a conversati­on or reading an article such as this one. And in cases in which social media does appear to cause bad behavioura­l effects, it’s unclear whether the medium is to blame or whether there’s some secondary, underlying reason.

Past research has found, for instance, that major changes in the adolescent brain spring foremost from genetics. And Meshi’s past work has found that people with high sensitivit­y in their left nucleus accumbens, part of the brain’s reward system, are more tuned in to Facebook. It’s not that Facebook has changed or “rotted” their brains; it just made a natural impulse more readily visible.

The opposite is true, as well, Meshi said. Depending on the sorts of mental processes it provokes, Twitter can also theoretica­lly provide cognitive benefits. Inspired by an argument I had recently with Emory University’s Mark Bauerlein (the author of The Dumbest Generation), I asked Meshi whether there’s something profoundly different going on in your brain when you read The Odyssey versus when you read a tweet or a text message.

Sure, Meshi acknowledg­ed, if the text or the tweet is directed at you, it will probably activate the regions of the brain that deal with self-referentia­l cognition. But otherwise, he said, it’s “a very similar neural process.”

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