Toronto Star

Time to name an aboriginal justice to the Supreme Court


The surprise announceme­nt of Justice Thomas Cromwell’s retirement from the Supreme Court of Canada has the legal community abuzz and rightly so. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s first appointmen­t to the nation’s high court will shape Canadian law for years — perhaps decades — to come.

The next appointee is likely to be a current federally appointed judge from one of the provincial courts of appeal (from which eight of the nine current Supreme Court Justices emerged).

Trudeau has also promised that he will appoint only a bilingual candidate. Then there is the convention of ensuring strict regional representa­tion on the Court (Justice Cromwell held the Court’s lone Maritimes seat).

These criteria narrow the field consid- erably, and risk obscuring another important fact: our high court does not look like the rest of Canada.

No aboriginal or visible minority has ever been appointed to the Supreme Court.

Regional representa­tion — which convention so assiduousl­y protects — is important, but in an increasing­ly ethnically and religiousl­y diverse country, it is only one of many indicia of diversity.

Since the Abella Equality in Employment Royal Commission Report in 1984, a consensus has emerged among judges, lawyers and academics that judicial diversity matters. A diverse judiciary results in a broader range of perspectiv­es, which is crucial to judicial decision-making. And greater judicial diversity fosters public confidence in the administra­tion of justice.

Little progress has been made so far. Professor Rosemary Cairns Way of the University of Ottawa reports that aboriginal and visible minority members account for roughly 23 per cent of the population, and yet from 2009 to 2014, only 1.04 per cent of appointees to the provincial superior courts were aboriginal and only 0.5 per cent were members of a visible minority group.

The same appears to be true of the senior reaches of the legal profession. The body that regulates lawyers in Ontario, the Law Society of Upper Canada, does not regularly collect comprehens­ive demographi­c data.

But a Society report, released in 2010, shows that only 5 per cent of lawyers in Ontario between the ages of 45 and 64 are aboriginal­s or visible minorities even though those groups make up more than a fifth of that segment of the population.

It is sometimes argued that as Canada’s population diversifie­s, the legal profession will too.

Problem solved — some years or decades down the line.

The statistics we have don’t bear out that claim though. Even among younger generation­s, aboriginal­s and visible minorities are under-represente­d at the bar. And those who have managed to gain a foothold in the profession face unique challenges.

The Society reports that a majority of aboriginal and visible minority lawyers believe that having a different cultural background has disadvanta­ged their careers. In that sense, the legal profession reflects trends in the broader job market.

According to a recent study led by University of Toronto researcher­s, black job applicants are 25.5 per cent more likely to land a job interview when they scrub their resumé of clues of their race.

The time has come for change. And this change requires leadership from the top. We need out-of-the box thinking, such as Trudeau’s laudable decision to name women to half his cabinet positions — including Canada’s first aboriginal justice minister. The prime minister will have to take a similarly bold approach to fill the high court vacancy. An aboriginal candidate should take priority. It’s an absolute shame that Canada’s highest court has never had representa­tion from among our First Nations (despite the significan­t number of highly qualified Aboriginal jurists and lawyers across the country).

If the prime minister somehow (we say inexplicab­ly) concludes that there is not a single qualified candidate who fits the bill, he should order an urgent and systematic examinatio­n of why the pool is so thin, and what steps should be taken to enlarge it.

These issues will not go away. There will be another vacancy in 2018 with Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin’s mandatory retirement, which would present Trudeau with another historic opportunit­y in his first term. And as important as the Supreme Court of Canada is in our democracy, there are going to be dozens of judicial vacancies in the lower courts that the PM will need to fill.

Tradition dictates that the next Supreme Court justice will likely come from a provincial court of appeal from the Maritimes.

But it may be time to buck tradition — because we live in the most diverse country in the world and it’s 2016.

 ??  ?? Fahad Siddiqui is a lawyer at an internatio­nal law firm in New York. Both are former judicial law clerks at the Supreme Court of Canada.
Fahad Siddiqui is a lawyer at an internatio­nal law firm in New York. Both are former judicial law clerks at the Supreme Court of Canada.
 ??  ?? Nader R. Hasan is a lawyer at Stockwoods LLP in Toronto and an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto faculty of law.
Nader R. Hasan is a lawyer at Stockwoods LLP in Toronto and an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto faculty of law.

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