Toronto Star

It’s no stretch to compare yoga with swimming


Swimming and yoga are so simpatico: they’re both deeply relaxing, lowimpact activities that emphasize mindful breathing. I unrolled my mat at the Regent Park Aquatic Centre to bring you a yoga exercise designed just for you water babies. It’s a great way to strengthen the back while warming up your shoulders. Swimming Cobra 1. Lay face down on a yoga mat with hands resting underneath your shoulders. If your hips are especially bony, you may want to fold your mat in half to add extra padding.

2. Lift head, shoulders and chest away from the ground while keeping the pubic bone and tops of feet anchored.

3. Now lift the hands a few centi- metres away from the mat, to ensure the extensors of the back are working to hold you up. Turn the palms to face skyward and do an exaggerate­d breaststro­ke. Imagine the movement originates at your shoulder blades and give them a little squeeze towards the spine as your elbows come in close to your sides.

4. Swirl the arms three times in one direction before heading in the opposite direction.

5. Finish by lowering to the ground and resting arms by your sides. Turn the head to one side and give the hips a little jiggle to nurture the lower back. YuMee Chung is a recovering lawyer who teaches yoga in Toronto. She is on the faculty of a number of yoga teacher training programs and leads internatio­nal yoga retreats. Learn more about her at

 ?? CARLOS OSORIO/TORONTO STAR ?? YuMee Chung demonstrat­es a yoga exercise called the Swimming Cobra at the Regent Park Aquatic Centre.
CARLOS OSORIO/TORONTO STAR YuMee Chung demonstrat­es a yoga exercise called the Swimming Cobra at the Regent Park Aquatic Centre.

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