Toronto Star

The lost spike

Ten years ago, Stephen Harper was presented with a railway relic from 1885 to mark Chinese Canadians’ sacrifices. Now, it has vanished


It’s a Parliament Hill whodunit.

Ten years after former prime minister Stephen Harper was presented with the Last Spike — a historic symbol of the hardship the Chinese Canadian community endured during the dark age of the head tax and official discrimina­tion — the 15-centimetre commemorat­ive iron has gone missing.

Is it perhaps being used as a door stopper by a parliament­arian, as the spike’s former owner, the renowned late author Pierre Berton, once joked? Or did it get lost when Harper moved out of the PMO last fall, or accidental­ly tossed into the recycling bin to become part of someone’s wheel rim?

“The Last Spike symbolizes our community’s history, which is tied to building the Canadian Pacific Railway,” said Avvy Go, a member of the decades-long Chinese head-tax redress campaign that successful­ly lobbied Ottawa for an official apology to the Chinese community, which was delivered in Parliament on June 22, 2006. “Mr. Berton, who wrote the book

The Last Spike, had two of the spikes presented to him by a union. They came from the section of the CPR when it was last completed 130 years ago. He told me at the time he was using the other one as a door stopper. We need to find out where ours is now.”

According to Go, 300 ceremonial spikes were presented to guests at the historic completion of the CPR at Craigellac­hie, B.C., on Nov. 7, 1885, an event the Chinese railway workers were banned from attending.

Since January, Go and her group have been trying to locate the spike — a gift from Berton to the campaign in 2003 that was supposed to have been on display in the PMO — hoping to borrow it for the upcoming 10th anniversar­y of the redress.

They contacted Harper’s office on March 8 but only heard back on Friday, after the Star’s inquiry, that staff “did look into it but they don’t know where the spike is.”

Harper did not respond to the Star’s interview requests on the spike’s whereabout­s.

Go said the spike was presented in 2006 to Harper by head-tax payer James Pon, who has since died. The community was told it would be on display in the Prime Minister’s Office.

Chinese labourers were brought to Canada in the 1880s to build the CPR, work considered too dangerous for Canadians. When the project was completed in 1885, Canada passed the Chinese Immigratio­n Act to discourage more Chinese from coming to Canada, and imposed a $50 head tax on Chinese migrants, raising it in 1903 to $500. The head tax was finally abolished in 1923, when the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed, virtually cutting off immigratio­n altogether.

Harper was asked about the spike in 2010, when Vancouver Sun columnist Stephen Hume wrote that Canadians would like to see it put on display in the Railway Committee Room in the Parliament Buildings.

“It’s in the PM’s Langevin Block office . . . not lost at all!” the Harper government’s then-director of multicultu­ralism, Melissa Bhagat, wrote in an email at the time. “It has been on display since the PM received it, but he is happy to give it up to the railway room if need be.”

Go also knocked on the door of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, hoping he might have inherited the spike from his predecesso­r.

“After careful research, we were unable to locate it,” Trudeau’s correspond­ence manager, Jean-Luc Marion, told Go earlier in March. “We can only assume that the spike was not kept at the Prime Minister’s Office or that it was not left in the office following the transition to our current government.”

 ??  ?? Chinese labourers help build the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1881. When the project was completed in 1885, they were banned from attending the ceremony.
Chinese labourers help build the Canadian Pacific Railway in 1881. When the project was completed in 1885, they were banned from attending the ceremony.
 ?? PETER POWER/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO ?? Ralph Lee was 106 when he was presented with this ceremonial spike in 2006, before delivering it to Stephen Harper, who made an official apology to Chinese Canadians for the head tax. The spike has since gone missing.
PETER POWER/TORONTO STAR FILE PHOTO Ralph Lee was 106 when he was presented with this ceremonial spike in 2006, before delivering it to Stephen Harper, who made an official apology to Chinese Canadians for the head tax. The spike has since gone missing.

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