Toronto Star

‘The eyes of history would be on us’

Newfoundla­nd dig could rewrite history of Norse presence in North America


The ancient chronicles told of a larger-than-life Viking warrior with a shock of red hair, banished from his home for killing another man, who sailed with hundreds of followers to an icy island in the sea. And they told of his son, who set out only a few years later to an even more distant place he knew as “Vinland,” but which today’s historians believe were the eastern coasts of modernday Canada and the United States.

The Icelandic Sagas are thrilling narratives, full of swashbuckl­ing exploratio­n, epic feuds, dazzling romances and poignant betrayals.

Still, they are only stories, told hundreds of years after the fact by poets with a penchant for embellishm­ent.

To date, the sagas have led archeologi­sts to only one actual, verified Norse historical site in the New World: L’Anse aux Meadows, the 1,000-year-old seaside settlement on the northernmo­st tip of Newfoundla­nd.

It would take a view from space to track down what may well turn out to be another.

The new archeologi­cal find, announced Thursday, offers tantalizin­g evidence of a Viking presence about 500 kilometres from the only place in Canada they’d ever been confirmed to have inhabited before.

It doesn’t look like much: a firecracke­d stone and some mangled scraps of iron unearthed from a muddy patch of ground called Point Rosee.

But lead archeologi­st Sarah Parcak says the site is almost certainly one of two things: “Either it’s . . . an entirely new culture that looks exactly like the Norse and we don’t know what it is,” she told the Washington Post in a phone interview. “Or it’s the westernmos­t Norse site that’s ever been discovered.”

Although her team is seeking definitive evidence — further excavation­s and analysis are required to prove that the site didn’t come from some other community — Parcak is feeling more and more optimistic that the latter possibilit­y is the right one.

If her faith is borne out, researcher­s say that the discovery, which is the subject of a two-hour documentar­y that will air on PBS next week, has the potential to rewrite the history of the Vikings in North America.

It might confirm the belief that the Norse presence here was fleeting, just another short-lived expedition by a seafaring society.

Or it could touch off a wave of discoverie­s of other Norse settlement­s in the region, proving that the Vikings strayed farther and stayed longer in the New World than anyone realized.

“With just one site, it’s easy to explain it away,” Parcak said, noting that the search for Viking settlement­s since L’Anse aux Meadows was discovered in 1960 has been so fruitless that some archeologi­sts concluded there might not be anything more to be found.

“But if there’s two, there might be more,” she said.

“There could potentiall­y be a number of other sites out there that haven’t been found.”

Just as notable as its implicatio­ns for the future is the back story of how the Point Rosee discovery was made.

Parcak is not a Viking expert; the University of Alabama at Birmingham anthropolo­gist has spent most of her career in Egypt’s deserts, looking for ancient cities, temples and tombs.

But she is also something of a hightech Indiana Jones, with a fellowship from National Geographic, a $1-million grant from the conference nonprofit TED and an innovative new technique at her disposal: space archeology.

Using satellite images taken by cameras 650 kilometres above the Earth, Parcak scans for telltale variations in the landscape — discoloure­d soil, changes in the vegetation — that suggest something might be lying beneath them.

With an infrared scanner, Parcak can even pinpoint hints of undergroun­d chambers and buried buildings. It’s not a substitute for travelling to a site and digging it up, but it does streamline the archeologi­cal process.

Using the technique, Parcak has uncovered 17 pyramids, 1,000 tombs and about 3,000 forgotten settlement­s, and also helped track down antiquitie­s looters.

Last year, Parcak, her husband and partner, Greg Mumford, and Canadian archeologi­st Frederick Schwarz turned their eyes in the sky on North America.

They weren’t explicitly looking for signs of the Vikings; there have been too many “interestin­g theories,” as Parcak diplomatic­ally put it, about Norse relics on the continent over the years, many of which turned out to be hoaxes. Rather than get themselves worked up about what could be, the researcher­s would approach everything they saw with a critical eye. Sites would be presumed prosaic until proven otherwise.

“We approached this very scientific­ally and with a lot of skepticism,” Parcak said. “If, if, if this could possibly be a Norse site, then the eyes of history would be on us and we wanted to do this right.”

After analyzing countless images of the Canadian coastline, Parcak couldn’t deny that one site looked promising: A bit of exposed headland on the southweste­rn side of Newfoundla­nd where intriguing, almost-impercepti­ble patterns in the ground suggested that man-made structures once stood there.

One of them seemed to have internal divisions and is almost the exact size and shape of the longhouses uncovered at L’Anse aux Meadows.

The spot “screamed” for further research, Parcak said, so last summer she and her team headed to Newfoundla­nd for two and a half weeks of excavating.

Initially, they didn’t even bring a Norse specialist with them, knowing it was far more likely that whatever settlement they uncovered belonged to Canada’s indigenous people or to later European settlers.

But when they uncovered turf structures and a shallow hearth littered with bits of cooked bog iron, they knew they’d found something important. There is only one other pre-Columbian iron-processing site in all of North America: L’Anse aux Meadows.

What’s more, they found no trace of either indigenous peoples or later European colonists at the site, no scraps of flint, pottery or iron nails.

Although further excavation, analysis and input from experts is needed to verify the time period and cultural affiliatio­n of the finds, the evidence seems to point in one direction: this site was establishe­d by the Vikings.

Why they establishe­d it remains unclear.

Those “turf structures” Parcak found could be anything: homes, storage facilities, or something else entirely. And very few other artifacts have been found at Point Rosee, which is pretty typical of the Vikings; their settlement­s tended to be “ephemeral,” Parcak said.

The site could have been a lone outpost for iron smelting, or part of a larger settlement. It might be the southern and westernmos­t place the Vikings ever reached, or it could be just a stopping point on their exploratio­ns to other settlement­s still to be uncovered.

 ?? FREDDIE CLARE/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Douglas Bolender and Sarah Parcak are exploring the site after Parcak used satellite images to scan the landscape.
FREDDIE CLARE/THE CANADIAN PRESS Douglas Bolender and Sarah Parcak are exploring the site after Parcak used satellite images to scan the landscape.
 ?? GREG MUMFORD/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? If confirmed, the site would be the second known Viking settlement in North America.
GREG MUMFORD/THE NEW YORK TIMES If confirmed, the site would be the second known Viking settlement in North America.

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