Toronto Star

Super foods


Go from super to superb by growing your own

Among the most interestin­g things I read is a newsletter by a guy who calls himself a sustainabl­e good foods consultant — David Cohlmeyer.

He recently talked about the micro biome in our guts, where billions of bacteria live (i.e. probiotics). Their job, he tells us, is to “digest food, provide us with energy, produce crucial vitamins, regulate appetite, protect our immune system and fend off any harmful bacteria.” Sounds like a big job, right?

But a big job usually needs helpers, and Cohlmeyer points out the Top 10 gut-friendly foods that were recently featured on CBC’s The Nature of Things. Happily, the Top 5 can grow in your garden; the Bottom 5, not so much — for instance nuts, yogurt, extra virgin olive oil, red wine and dark chocolate.

Now is the time to decide what you’ll plant in your garden this year. I start sowing many of my veggie seeds this weekend.

Here are the Top 5 superfoods and how to grow them: 1. Jerusalem artichoke: If you can grow twitch grass, you can grow Jerusalem artichokes. All they really need is soil of most any descriptio­n (though loose and crumbly works best) and sunshine. Mother Nature will take care of the rest. Plant in a sunny position, as they are members of the sunflower family. Dig your first harvest next year and eat the root. Cohlmeyer warns that they are difficult to digest and that the antidote is to eat more of them (!). The tuberous roots are available at your garden retailer in the bulb section. Plant as soon as the soil is dry enough to work. 2. Leeks: Leeks really like me. I grow a lot of them. Start the seeds now and plant the stringy seedlings in late April or early May. Light frost will not hurt them if you harden them off before planting. Line them out in a shallow trench 8 cm apart, firm quality soil around the bottom centimetre of the plant to stabilize it in the soil. Full sun. Dress the root zone with compost or triple mix 5 cm up the stem, a bit at a time over eight to 12 weeks to create the white blanching effect for mild, tasty leeks. Harvest late in the season, after a few frosts, which intensifie­s their flavour. 3. Garlic: While autumn is the best time to plant garlic, you can plant it in the spring. The earlier the better. Line the cloves of seed garlic (vs. grocery store garlic) about 15 cm apart in rows about 25 cm apart. Garlic loves the sun and cool temperatur­es. Come July, when they bolt “pig tails,” cut these “scapes” off and use them. Mid-August, dig up the garlic plants, let them dry in the sun for three days and then cure the bulbs under cover, but in a wellventil­ated space. 4. Lentils: This is the “year of pulses,” and lentils belong in this family of leguminous plants. If this sounds mysterious, keep an eye out as I will write about them soon. It is possible for you to grow this superfood, but I don’t know why you would. You can buy good, organic, Canadian-grown lentils very cheaply. If you would like to grow lentils for fun, go for it. All you need is sunshine and open/ friable soil. Sow seeds after the threat of frost or start them indoors two weeks before the last frost and plant young transplant­s. Harvest when the pods have plumped up. 5. Apples: Cohlmeyer says, “An apple a day DOES keep the doctor away.” There are many dwarf and semidwarf varieties available at garden retailers in the spring.

Many are well-suited to city life, if you have enough sunshine (minimum six hours per day).

Forget trying to grow Granny Smith, as our season is not long enough (unless you live in zone 7, like St. Catharines), and the great cooking apple Northern Spy can take up to 14 years to produce its first crop. Otherwise, buy the variety that you like the best.

Note that pollinatio­n in an urban environmen­t is never a problem as pollinatin­g bees travel far enough to mix it up with crabapples.

I love an apple in the car: I munch and drive.

When I get home, I’ll mix some nuts with a scoop of yogurt, enjoy a glass of red wine and finish it off with a snack of quality dark chocolate. That’s five out 10 super foods.

This healthy lifestyle is not so hard to take. Mark Cullen is an expert gardener, author and broadcaste­r. Get his free monthly newsletter at Look for his new bestseller, The New Canadian Garden, published by Dundurn Press. Follow him on Twitter @MarkCullen­4 and Facebook.

 ??  ??
 ?? DREAMSTIME PHOTOS ?? Now is the time to decide what you’ll plant in your garden this year. Why not try planting superfoods such as apples?
DREAMSTIME PHOTOS Now is the time to decide what you’ll plant in your garden this year. Why not try planting superfoods such as apples?
 ??  ?? While autumn is the best time to plant garlic, you can plant it in the spring. The earlier, the better.
While autumn is the best time to plant garlic, you can plant it in the spring. The earlier, the better.
 ??  ?? If you would like to grow lentils for fun, go for it. All you need is sunshine and open/friable soil.
If you would like to grow lentils for fun, go for it. All you need is sunshine and open/friable soil.
 ??  ?? Start planting seeds to grow leeks now and plant the stringy seedlings in late April or early May.
Start planting seeds to grow leeks now and plant the stringy seedlings in late April or early May.
 ??  ?? Jerusalem artichokes are easy to grow. All they really need is soil of most any descriptio­n and sunshine.
Jerusalem artichokes are easy to grow. All they really need is soil of most any descriptio­n and sunshine.
 ?? Mark Cullen ??
Mark Cullen

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