Toronto Star

Balancing sensitivit­y, verificati­on

Ghomeshi case has greatly intensifie­d media coverage of sexual assault

- Kathy English Public Editor

It has long been the Toronto Star’s policy not to name the victims of alleged sexual assault.

That is in line with provisions of Canada’s Criminal Code, which makes a ban on publicatio­n of the identity of a sexual assault complainan­t mandatory if requested by the Crown or the victim. In such cases, the Crown should have consulted with the complainan­t and made clear the implicatio­ns of a ban that not only blocks the media from naming her (or him) but can also make it difficult for her to speak publicly about her experience even years after.

Not all sexual violence complainan­ts want to be silenced forever.

Indeed, there are times — rare, but increasing — when some individual­s want to be publicly identified in sharing their stories of how sexual violence affected their lives. In such cases, the Star’s policy allows for victims of alleged sexual assault to be identified with their consent.

Our policy says nothing about the ethical issues to be considered when a sexual assault complainan­t decides to speak openly to the media. It provides no compass for how journalist­s can report with sensitivit­y on sexual assault and at the same time live up to the journalist­ic responsibi­lity to question and seek to verify whatever we report.

In recent months, public conversati­on and media coverage about sexual violence has intensifie­d in the glaring light of the sexual assault and choking charges against Jian Ghomeshi, of which he was acquitted last week. So too has the increasing coverage of sexual assault on university campuses across North America brought new questions for the media about how we report on sexual assault complainan­ts who do not wish to be silenced.

To provide a guide for media in such cases, the Canadian Associatio­n of Journalist­s’ ethics committee recently released a paper that explores the ethical considerat­ion in naming sexual assault complainan­ts. Full disclosure: I was a member of this panel, as was the Star’s newsroom lawyer, Bert Bruser. This committee included Western University professor Meredith Levine. It was chaired, and the paper largely written, by Ryerson University professor Lisa Taylor, also a lawyer.

The paper provides guidelines for journalist­s to ensure they have taken steps to obtain informed consent from anyone who comes forward to be identified as a victim of sexual assault. It says journalist­s should never coerce these individual­s to identify themselves and calls for giving them enough time to fully consider that decision. In some cases, obtaining written consent of what has been agreed to makes sense for all involved.

It makes clear the media’s duty to explain the implicatio­ns of being identified as a sexual assault complainan­t in our digital era in which news is searchable and lives forever online, and social media provides easy means to share such identifyin­g and sensitive informatio­n worldwide.

Most important, given recent debate about the justice system and sexual assault complainan­ts, the paper leaves no doubt as to the journalist’s responsibi­lity to seek to verify any complainan­t’s story of sexual violence.

“This is, of course, a touchy issue,” Taylor wrote recently in a J-Source article about this paper. “There are those who feel that testing the story is endemic of societal skepticism and disbelief of sexual assault.”

Indeed, while journalism is not a legal cross examinatio­n and reporters would be unlikely to challenge a sexual assault complainan­t in the same adversaria­l manner that is normal in the courtroom, journalist­s are also not simply stenograph­ers who recount the stories of sexual assault complainan­ts without question. “An ethical journalist should treat a sexual assault complainan­t with the highest degree of sensitivit­y, given the nature of the trauma itself and the challenges that come from being the subject of media scrutiny,” the paper states. “But being sensitive does not release a journalist from fact-checking and verifying a complainan­t’s story.

“An ethical journalist will test and verify a complainan­t’s story for the same reason the journalist will fact-check a politician’s comments or seek multiple eyewitness­es to an event,” it states. “While uncomforta­ble, the verificati­on process is necessary.”

Of course, journalist­s should also clearly explain to sexual assault complainan­ts why they are asking challengin­g questions and seeking further verificati­on before publishing their story: “Unless the rationale for verificati­on in journalism is clearly explained to the complainan­t, it may leave her with the sense that she is not believed because she is a sexual assault complainan­t. This, of course, is not the case.”

Sexual assault complainan­ts who speak through the media should also be made to understand that if they are later called as witnesses in a sexual assault trial they may be “rigorously cross-examined” on what they told the media, as certainly was the case in the Ghomeshi trial.

With the public conversati­on about sexual assault far from over, the media’s task in reporting on sexual assault complainan­ts remains clear: We must seek to balance compassion and sensitivit­y with the demands of journalist­ic verificati­on.

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