Toronto Star

Why did birds live and dinosaurs die? Seeds, scientists say

A diet of grain may have prevented ancestors of birds from extinction, experts claim


After decades of debate, most scientists now agree there was a single day 66 million years ago that ranks among the all-time worst days in the history of our planet. On that day, an asteroid struck what is now the Yucatan in Mexico, triggering the extinction of the dinosaurs and more than two-thirds of all animal species.

But that consensus raises other questions. Why did the dinosaurs die out while other groups survived? Were the dinosaurs already in bad shape before the impact? Most intriguing­ly of all, why did the ancestors of modern birds squeeze through, when other feathered dinosaurs that would have looked just like birds didn’t make it?

On that last question, scientists now believe they have an answer: Seeds. Granivory — a diet of seeds — may have allowed the ancestors of modern birds to dodge the sickle of mass extinction, according to a new study co-authored by three Canadian paleontolo­gists that examined more than 3,100 fossilized dinosaur teeth. The research is published in the journal Current Biology.

“We think birds that survived the extinction were able to access this resource,” said Derek Larson, the study’s first author and an assistant curator at the Philip J. Currie Dinosaur Museum.

“Whereas all of these mostly animal-eating (bird-like) dinosaurs with teeth would have gone extinct, because they couldn’t.”

“It’s hard to know for sure. It’s hard to test these things with fossils, but I think it’s very plausible,” said Stephen Brusatte, a University of Edinburgh paleontolo­gist who wrote an accompanyi­ng article.

“It adds to the weight of evidence that dinosaurs were thriving right up to that moment in time, that Tuesday morning, when that six-milewide rock fell out of the sky and exploded with the force of a billion Hi- roshima bombs, and changed the planet in a day.”

For their analysis, Larson and his colleagues collected a database of 3,104 dinosaur teeth from collection­s housed at the Royal Tyrrell Museum, the University of Alberta, the Royal Ontario Museum and beyond. All the teeth belonged to four different families from a group of dinosaurs called maniraptor­ans, which are small-bodied, feathered, bipedal and include raptors and other bird-like dinosaurs.

Teeth are gold to a paleontolo­gist for two reasons. Unlike the delicate skeletons of maniraptor­ans, which do not fossilize well and are incredibly rare, their hardier teeth are salted throughout the fossil record. And teeth link an animal to its environmen­t, holding clues as to the toothowner’s diet and ecological niche.

The researcher­s painstakin­gly catalogued the shape and size of thousands of these teeth, looking for pat-

“We think birds that survived the extinction were able to access this resource.” DEREK LARSON STUDY AUTHOR

terns of variations across the 18 million years before the asteroid. Constant variations would indicate a stable, diverse ecosystem. But if variations between the teeth decreased, that could suggest the animals and ecosystems were stressed and losing diversity — the same way climate change and other human pressures are triggering biodiversi­ty losses today. In recent years, paleontolo­gists have used to similar techniques to suggest the large-bodied herbivorou­s dinosaur groups were already declining leading up to the asteroid impact.

But that’s not what the paleontolo­gists found with maniraptor­ans. The teeth indicated stability throughout those 18 million years, until suddenly all the animals disappear.

That suggests something about these toothed, birdlike dinosaurs doomed them all. So next, Larson and his colleagues pieced together family trees and dietary informatio­n for modern birds, and worked backwards. They predicted that the ancestors of modern birds must have had beaks, not teeth. And that lead them to a novel conclusion: that the ability to crack open nuts and seeds allowed birds to access a critical dietary resource.

“In the conditions in the wake of that major catastroph­e, the asteroid, the ecosystem would quickly lose foliage and animal life. But those seeds would be these high-energy packets of food that would persist on the landscape, and any animal that could access them would have an ecological advantage,” said David Evans, curator of vertebrate paleontolo­gy at the ROM and another of the paper’s co-authors.

Evans added that the team discovered similar trends from studies of modern forest fires. “It turns out that seed-eating birds are very typically the first vertebrate­s back into these disturbed habitats. This makes sense, because a forest fire will burn all the foliage and decimate the animal population, but seeds are in their protective shell. They survive these major disruption­s, and they can survive for decades.”

Other paleontolo­gists have concluded that birds’ small body size, large brain size, and even the shape of their eggs allowed them to survive changing conditions after the asteroid. But the new study is the first to examine the contributi­on of granivory.

“We’re pretty excited about that, and we’re interested to hear what the scientific community has to say,” Larson said.

 ?? RICHARD LAUTENS/TORONTO STAR ?? Kevin Seymour, assistant curator of paleobiolo­gy at the Royal Ontario Museum, holds a raptor tooth. A new study examined bird-like dinosaur teeth to help develop theories about why birds and dinosaurs evolved the way they did.
RICHARD LAUTENS/TORONTO STAR Kevin Seymour, assistant curator of paleobiolo­gy at the Royal Ontario Museum, holds a raptor tooth. A new study examined bird-like dinosaur teeth to help develop theories about why birds and dinosaurs evolved the way they did.

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