Toronto Star

“I am the solicitor for Ms. Suzan Zreik, the young lady who, being ‘in wrong place at the wrong time,’ i.e. the kitchen of her own home, found herself shot in the back by an officer of the Peel Regional Police . . .”


Read an email exchange between Michael Moon, lawyer for Suzan Zreik, and a lawyer for the Special Investigat­ions Unit,

Below are portions of Mississaug­a lawyer Michael Moon’s email exchange with the SIU’s lawyer Joseph Martino.

From Michael Moon, Dec. 3, 2015, to SIU:

I am the solicitor for Ms. Suzan Zreik, the young lady who, being “in wrong place at the wrong time,” i.e. the kitchen of her own home, found herself shot in the back by an officer of the Peel Regional Police . . . Setting aside the fact the SIU, knowing full well I was counsel for Ms. Zreik, did not extend the courtesy of advising me of the decision of the Director to not bring charges against the subject officer(s) who shot Ms. Zreik; I now request a true written copy of the Director’s Reasons as to why and how he arrived at this decision.

From SIU lawyer Joseph Martino, Dec. 4, 2015

Director Loparco’s reasons are set out in the Director’s Report to the Attorney General, which is a confidenti­al report to the Attorney General. We are not at liberty to release a copy of the report to you. If you wish, you may make an access request for the report under Ontario’s Freedom of Informatio­n and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).

From Michael Moon, Jan. 22, 2016, to the SIU

As it stands now, Ms. Zreik is denied by the Director even the most basic knowledge of who her attacker was. There is, understand­ably, a palpable fear and sense of powerlessn­ess that comes with that ignorance — and the Director is the personal agent for instilling that fear. Ms. Zreik wants and is entitled to know the name of the police officer who shot her, and we would appreciate being advised as such as soon as possible.

From SIU lawyer Joseph Martino, Jan. 26, 2016

While we certainly appreciate Ms. Zreik’s position in this, we are unable to disclose the name of the subject officer as it is protected personal informatio­n.

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