Toronto Star

Assisted-dying bill a cruel compromise


When it comes to assisted dying, which has more support from Canadians than running large deficits or legalizing marijuana, Prime Minister Trudeau has lost his political perspectiv­e. He has retreated to an uncaring and muddled compromise.

The Liberal’s assisted dying legislatio­n is deeply flawed, destined to be challenged in the courts and being rushed through the House.

Assisted dying advocates, backbench Liberal MPs and senators are speaking out against Bill C-14. So far, Trudeau has ignored their concerns. If this legislatio­n is passed by the House unamended, it will fall to the Senate to make it more patient and Charter-friendly.

During the election the Liberals promised to, “Appoint a special committee to consider the ruling of the Supreme Court, consult with experts and Canadians and make recommenda­tions for a legislativ­e framework that respects the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the priorities of Canadians.”

A Special Joint Committee of 16 MPs and senators was establishe­d. Extensive hearings were held. Polling showed eight out of 10 Canadians agreed that individual­s suffering grievous and irremediab­le medical conditions should have access to medically assisted dying.

The Special Committee’s recommenda­tions are empathetic, thoughtful and inclusive.

Patients with mental illnesses should not be excluded solely on the basis of their medical diagnosis. Long mandatory waiting periods are unwarrante­d. Requests from mature/competent minors should be considered.

In cases like dementia, advanced directives should be allowed.

The government’s Bill C-14 doesn’t include any of these recommenda­tions. It restricts assisted death to consenting, mentally competent adults who are in “an advanced stage of irreversib­le decline” from a serious and incurable disease, illness or disability, and for whom a natural death is “reasonably foreseeabl­e.”

Theses conditions are considerab­ly more restrictiv­e than those laid out by the Supreme Court last year. The court ruled that physician-assisted death should be available to consenting adults with “grievous and irremediab­le” medical conditions and who are enduring physical or mental suffering that they find “intolerabl­e.”

There are serious issues with what the bill says — and doesn’t say.

First, the bill substitute­s the word “incurable” for the court’s word “irremediab­le.” They don’t mean the same thing.

An irremediab­le condition is one where the patient is suffering intolerabl­e pain but doesn’t want to endure the prolonged prescribed treatments. Patients who have cancers that are “curable” — but involve endless cycles of painful chemothera­py and radiation, leaving them disabled — cannot apply under the bill.

Second, the bill introduces the vague requiremen­t that the patient’s death must be “reasonably foreseeabl­e.” The court didn’t say the patient’s condition must be terminal or foreseeabl­e. And, what does foreseeabl­e mean? Weeks, months, years?

This provision eliminates someone who has lost their eyesight and legs to diabetes and will suffer horrific pain for years. Or a patient with ALS who is slowly and painfully being paralyzed by their body until they finally die of asphyxiati­on.

Even B.C.’s Kay Carter, who’s suffering with spinal stenosis was central to the Supreme Court’s landmark decision, would not have qualified under this legislatio­n. Her condition wasn’t terminal even though she was bedridden, unable to move or feed herself and enduring intolerabl­e suffering year after year.

Third, the bill does not allow for people with competence-declining conditions to make advanced requests for an assisted death. This, despite studies that consistent­ly find the vast majority of Canadians agree that patients with early dementia should be able to consent to assisted death in advance.

Thousands of Canadians worry about losing the mental ability to make their own decisions. They’re afraid of dying a prolonged and terrifying death this legislatio­n ignores.

In support of the bill Trudeau said, “It’s a responsibl­e first step.” Is it? The government isn’t pioneering in an unknown field.

There is internatio­nal experience on which to draw: the thorough airing by the Supreme Court; the findings of the 11 Provinces and Territorie­s Advisory Group; the Special Joint Committee hearings and recommenda­tions; the Quebec experience, and, consistent­ly deep support from Canadians of every political stripe.

The current legislatio­n is not patient-centred. It doesn’t comply with the Supreme Court’s decision. Nor does it respect the Charter rights of Canadians.

There is still time to remedy these serious shortcomin­gs. R. Michael Warren is a patron of Dying with Dignity Canada, a former corporate director, Ontario deputy minister, TTC chief general manager and Canada Post CEO.

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