Toronto Star

Police must enforce the law


Chief Mark Saunders took a lot of heat from cannabis advocates while answering questions about police raids this past week on 43 marijuana “dispensari­es” that have opened up across the city in recent months.

But he shouldn’t have. The police, along with zoning and bylaw enforcemen­t officers, took the right action when they arrested 90 people and laid 186 charges on Thursday. They had, as Saunders noted, taken a “measured approach” to the situation, sending out notices on May 18 warning landlords that the pot shops were illegal and giving them time to shut them down or potentiall­y face stiff fines for contraveni­ng zoning bylaws.

While Mayor John Tory didn’t order the raids, he had rightly called the fast proliferat­ion of the shops alarming: “We cannot just have the Wild West when it comes to dispensari­es cropping up on every street corner.”

But that’s what seems to be occurring with an estimated 100 Toronto pot shops selling everything from dried cannabis to hash, pills and marijuana-infused edibles such as chocolate, cookies, candies and sodas.

The sale of the chocolate and other goodies is particular­ly alarming since half of all the pot shops the police served notice on earlier this month were within 300 metres of schools.

There are also questions about possible involvemen­t of organized crime. In Vancouver, police say they have “valid informatio­n” that crime gangs have been connected with some pot shops there. In Toronto, police say only that they are investigat­ing the possibilit­y. At the same time, Saunders said police don’t know where the money from the shops is going or where the product is coming from. That alone is unsettling, despite assurances from those who run the shops that there is no link to crime.

There are also health concerns associated with the products sold in the illegal stores. As the chief warned, no one knows how much THC, the psychoacti­ve ingredient in cannabis, is in any of these products, or, indeed, what is in them at all.

Pot shops have been popping up across the country, most notably in Vancouver and Toronto, since a Federal Court judge in British Columbia struck down restrictio­ns in February on medical marijuana users growing their own plants.

At that time, he gave the federal government six months to pass new rules on medical marijuana. Amid the legal uncertaint­y that followed, dispensari­es have spread like wildfire, with nine in Kensington Market alone, and Toronto city Councillor Paula Fletcher expressing concern that a half-dozen dispensari­es were operating around a single subway station in her Riverdale ward.

So it’s no surprise that police acted on public complaints and petitions about the proliferat­ion of the shops.

While the Star supports Ottawa’s intention to legalize marijuana for recreation­al use, the dispensari­es cannot continue to operate outside current law. Although medical marijuana is legal, it is supposed to be available only with a prescripti­on from a medical doctor. Even then, it must be obtained from one of 31 producers licensed by Canada via registered mail — not through storefront shops.

Until marijuana is legalized for recreation­al use and its sale is regulated, Toronto should enforce the law governing illegal dispensari­es.

Or, it could enact more robust regulation­s on where pot shops can be located, as Vancouver did last year. New city bylaws there now prevent dispensari­es from locating within 300 metres of any schools, community centres or other dispensari­es, and imposes a $30,000 licensing fee on each shop. That curbs their concentrat­ion in any one neighbourh­ood and vastly reduces the number of shops.

Mayor Tory has asked city staff to study that kind of approach. But until the rules change, police should be supported, not condemned, for their efforts to curb the proliferat­ion of illegal pot shops.

Toronto police’s crackdown on illegal pot shops was the right thing to do

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