Toronto Star


- By Christophe­r Reynolds

The Society of Females in Art, an emergent Toronto collective, held its inaugural exhibition over the past few weeks. Titled Bad Behaviour, it turns the lens on young women untetherin­g themselves from expectatio­ns and adds a bold new voice to photograph­y, a profession the artists say remains dominated by men.

 ?? ANYA CHIBIS ?? Parkour for the course Anastasia Bellka glides along a ledge atop the roofs of Moscow, her hometown. Chibis’s series showcases “the grace and the strength and the courage, but also the community” formed by parkour’s female practition­ers, says fellow...
ANYA CHIBIS Parkour for the course Anastasia Bellka glides along a ledge atop the roofs of Moscow, her hometown. Chibis’s series showcases “the grace and the strength and the courage, but also the community” formed by parkour’s female practition­ers, says fellow...
 ?? ANGELA LEWIS ?? Sisterhood Breanna mugs for a selfie while her younger sister Mena eyes the other lens. Photograph­er Angela Lewis documented the girls across four seasons in Port Dover, Ont., as an exploratio­n of adolescenc­e and female sibling relationsh­ips. Mena, 10,...
ANGELA LEWIS Sisterhood Breanna mugs for a selfie while her younger sister Mena eyes the other lens. Photograph­er Angela Lewis documented the girls across four seasons in Port Dover, Ont., as an exploratio­n of adolescenc­e and female sibling relationsh­ips. Mena, 10,...
 ?? MAY TRUONG ?? Family ritual Growing up as a second-generation Canadian was “full of tensions,” says May Truong, 37. She photograph­ed models in a home to re-create “mundane” but freighted moments of her adolescenc­e, when filial piety clashed silently with teenage...
MAY TRUONG Family ritual Growing up as a second-generation Canadian was “full of tensions,” says May Truong, 37. She photograph­ed models in a home to re-create “mundane” but freighted moments of her adolescenc­e, when filial piety clashed silently with teenage...
 ?? MICHELLE YEE ?? Dark reflection Michelle Yee, 39, casts herself in a dark emotional space in this self-portrait. Her exhibition pieces stem from her recent breakup with her partner of 11 years. “I found myself feeling really lost and confused,” she says. “I would go...
MICHELLE YEE Dark reflection Michelle Yee, 39, casts herself in a dark emotional space in this self-portrait. Her exhibition pieces stem from her recent breakup with her partner of 11 years. “I found myself feeling really lost and confused,” she says. “I would go...
 ?? REGINA GARCIA ?? Motherhood Regina Garcia’s recent work explores themes of domesticit­y and “societal pressure,” says Yee. Maintainin­g “the appearance of perfection” while doing the deeply gratifying yet often grinding work of a mother can, as millions of moms well...
REGINA GARCIA Motherhood Regina Garcia’s recent work explores themes of domesticit­y and “societal pressure,” says Yee. Maintainin­g “the appearance of perfection” while doing the deeply gratifying yet often grinding work of a mother can, as millions of moms well...
 ?? RAINA KIRN ?? Hard sleeper Photograph­er Raina Kirn, her mother and her grandmothe­r were all “fatherless women,” says Yee. “They were forced to be really independen­t at a young age.” Drawing on that familial history, Kirn’s series Little Warriors celebrates “being...
RAINA KIRN Hard sleeper Photograph­er Raina Kirn, her mother and her grandmothe­r were all “fatherless women,” says Yee. “They were forced to be really independen­t at a young age.” Drawing on that familial history, Kirn’s series Little Warriors celebrates “being...
 ?? BROOKE WEDLOCK ?? Shear rebellion Photograph­er Brooke Wedlock asked women to share their “bad behaviour” through gestures and movement. That opened up a safe space where they could “relieve, in a cathartic way, the stigma of behaviour perceived as bad,” says May Truong....
BROOKE WEDLOCK Shear rebellion Photograph­er Brooke Wedlock asked women to share their “bad behaviour” through gestures and movement. That opened up a safe space where they could “relieve, in a cathartic way, the stigma of behaviour perceived as bad,” says May Truong....

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