Toronto Star

Fulfil ‘sacred’ duty to vets


Never has there been a crasser distillati­on of Ottawa’s skewed sense of its moral duty to those who have fought and been injured for this country than an argument put forward by government lawyers in 2012. In an effort to block a class-action lawsuit by six injured Afghan war veterans, the attorneys argued that the federal government has no “sacred obligation” to ex-soldiers and that Parliament is in no way constituti­onally constraine­d in its judgment of how much, or how little, compensati­on they deserve.

The Conservati­ves continued in this dubious legal fight for years, costing Ottawa about $700,000 in the process, until political circumstan­ces forced them to change tack. In the lead-up to last year’s federal election, beset by critics, the Harper government finally delivered an overdue boost to Ottawa’s grossly inadequate veterans’ benefits.

It even tabled a bill, which eventually passed, recognizin­g the government’s “sacred obligation” to Canada’s men and women in uniform. The plaintiffs agreed to stay proceeding­s until May 2016, at which point they would determine whether sufficient progress had been made to drop the action altogether.

When the Liberals won the election, the case appeared destined for amicable settlement. In opposition, Justin Trudeau had called for the government “to live up to our sacred obligation, end this court battle and start giving our veterans the help they deserve.” As prime minister, Trudeau reiterated this sentiment in his mandate letter to Veterans Affairs Minister Kent Hehr, calling on him to ensure that the “government lives up to our sacred obligation to veterans.”

Strange, then, if not utterly bewilderin­g, that government lawyers will reportedly resume their appeal this week on the ground that Ottawa has no sacred obligation to veterans. Yes, believe it or not, the Trudeau government wants the court to acknowledg­e that Ottawa does not have a duty it has argued repeatedly and persuasive­ly that it has.

The truce came undone over a Liberal campaign promise, restated in Hehr’s mandate letter, to “re-establish lifelong pensions as an option for our injured veterans.” The controvers­ial 2006 New Veterans Charter mostly replaced pensions with lump-sum payments. But many have argued this unfairly disadvanta­ges exsoldiers who live longer, and that veterans suffering from posttrauma­tic stress disorder are ill equipped to manage the large one-time payouts.

Despite the Liberal commitment, there was no mention of veterans’ pensions in the federal budget. As the deadline for deciding the fate of the lawsuit approached, the plaintiffs asked the government to commit to a timeline for implementi­ng its promises. But lawyers representi­ng the injured ex-soldiers say Hehr refused, giving them no choice but to continue with the action.

For his part, Hehr says the Liberals merely inherited this lawsuit. “I find it deeply regrettabl­e that, under the former government, veterans had to take this step to ensure their well-being,” he told the Globe and Mail on Monday. No mention of why his government refuses to lay out a timetable for delivering on its commitment­s. Or why it appears to have permitted its lawyers to pursue a line of argument in direct contradict­ion of its long-held, proudly touted position.

The costs of the best possible care for our veterans should be built into any decision that puts soldiers in harm’s way. That’s the duty Trudeau invoked when he called on the Harper government to “end this court battle and start giving our veterans the help they deserve.” Whether Ottawa finally fulfils that obligation, or continues its shameful history of derelictio­n, is now his to decide.

The federal government should end its insistence that it has no sacred obligation to ex-soldiers

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