Toronto Star

Poor decisions may stem from PTSD, not dementia

- Ellie

I’ve been dating a man 23 years older than me for four years.

I have children from a previous marriage, which ended in divorce. I met my current boyfriend a year later, and have had the best times of my life with him.

Tragically, two years ago, his beloved business burned down.

He’s been unable to build his business again and feels hopeless. Aworkaholi­c by nature, he now has no passion in life. These last two months, he’s hardly gone out, isn’t affectiona­te and our love life is non-existent.

I try to be positive and he helps me out in my business, which gives him something to do.

Recently, I caught him watching porn at our business. I was shocked he was doing this in public.

He’s in his 60s, and I researched that in early cases of dementia and other age-related diseases, poor judgment is one of the symptoms.

I’m afraid he might also be doing other inappropri­ate things in front of staff. He seems so different. I’d hate to leave him, but I’m so unhappy. Physically and mentally, he’s not 100 per cent there. I’m wondering how long I can be with someone without intimacy, nor loving contact nor communicat­ion. Lost

It’s likely been the most traumatic experience of his life — a devastatin­g fire and his loss of purpose.

Without therapy for PTSD (posttrauma­tic stress disorder) and/or other counsellin­g help to regain his self-image and drive, he’s naturally been struggling with his identity and what to do. But your research cannot accurately diagnose dementia or any other age-related cognition loss, without a profession­al’s checkup, tests and diagnosis.

His poor judgment and his withdrawal from emotional life aren’t surprising as a reaction to trauma.

They may be a cry for help to restore his self-esteem and your relationsh­ip. He needs to find the will to save himself.

Get him to a therapist regarding the trauma. The fire’s only a tragedy if you both leave it as such. I’m a guy in my 20s with a younger brother. Our parents divorced long ago and our father raised us on our own.

He’s a local government clerk so he earns decently and steadily. But he’s mildly intellectu­ally challenged. Our mother hasn’t been on the scene in years. My brother and I are coming to the time when we’ll both be out of the family home. We’re worried about our dad.

He’s fit, happy and kind. We’re sure that because he had to be responsibl­e for us, he’s had to stay on an even keel. But when we’re gone, we’re worried about what will happen to him? What should we be doing to prepare him and ourselves? Worried Sons

Make sure he stays fit, keep him happy knowing you both care for him, help him find ways to continue to be kind to others, so that he’s involved with people once you’re not around all the time.

You can start setting this up now by making sure he stays connected to a gym or other fitness activities, like a group sport through a community centre (e.g. running group, volleyball, hiking, yoga, etc.).

Wherever you go away to school or for work, stay in frequent contact, Skype, use FaceTime, visit when you can. Encourage him to stay involved with friends and to help out with neighbours who need visits, garden work, assist with getting groceries, etc.

You’re creating a new but similar pattern for him to maintain his good outlook and ability to manage his life. Tip of the day Don’t try to diagnose mental health changes after a trauma without a profession­al’s help. Read Ellie Monday to Saturday. Email or visit her website, ellieadvic­ Follow @ellieadvic­e.

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