Toronto Star

National security oversight is inadequate


It’s the math, stupid.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale wants you and I to believe that nine, count them, nine parliament­arians, handpicked by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, are somehow going to be able to keep watch over Canada’s vast, and still unaccounta­ble, national security apparatus.

The nine parliament­arians will include seven MPs, four of whom will come from the governing party, joined by three opposition members and two unelected Senators.

That’s the nonsensica­l statistica­l makeup of the brand new, much-anticipate­d National Security and Intelligen­ce Committee. Goodale’s many allies in the media and academia have rushed to give the popular minister high marks for finally establishi­ng a so-called parliament­ary mechanism to “scrutinize” this nation’s spooks, after he tabled Bill C-22 late last week.

The problem is that the minister’s cheerleade­rs clearly haven’t done the math, nor, it seems, have they carefully examined this ill-conceived legislatio­n, which, rather than creating robust, independen­t and meaningful oversight over the sprawling, cob-web-like national security infrastruc­ture has, instead, effectivel­y enshrined the lousy status quo into law.

Goodale’s own figures reveal there are about 20 federal government department­s and agencies that play a role in what he describes as the national security “architectu­re.” Conservati­vely, that translates into tens of thousands of civil servants involved in an untold number of espionage-related activities and operations conducted at home and abroad.

Does Goodale seriously expect us to believe that a ninemember committee, meeting infrequent­ly and in secret, will have the time, resources or even the inclinatio­n to examine more than just a sliver of what that mammoth, government­wide “architectu­re” is up to in the amorphous name of “national security?”

Not to worry, the bill’s cheerleade­rs insist, the committee will be supported by a “secretaria­t” headed by one lonely but, no doubt, experience­d bureaucrat, who will apparently enjoy the powers of a deputy minister.

I’m not reassured and neither should you be, particular­ly since Goodale’s bill doesn’t provide any figures for how many staff the “secretaria­t” will employ or what its operating budget will be. If history is any guide, I suspect that both those mysterious, but telling, figures will be embarrassi­ngly small.

Indeed, I confidentl­y predict that, all told, ultimately less than 20 people will work for a committee that’s supposed to train a lens from time to time on a fat phonebook-sized number of spooks. As well, the committee’s budget will inevitably amount to, by Ottawa’s profligate standards, laughable chump change.

This is hardly a convincing recipe for attracting the best and brightest to man the committee. Traditiona­lly, agencies like the Security Intelligen­ce Review Committee (SIRC), which, on paper, is already supposed to review the conduct of CSIS, Canada’s civilian spy service, are populated by a revolving door of career bureaucrat­s who know little, if anything, about the Byzantine world of intelligen­ce.

Remember, these loyal public servants are expected and conditione­d to row, not rock the boat. In this regard, I think it’s unlikely Goodale will appoint someone like, say, Clayton Ruby as the secretaria­t’s “executive director.”

(By the way, Goodale’s bill essentiall­y instructs existing review agencies such as SIRC to work out their jurisdicti­onal difference­s with the new committee to “avoid duplicatio­n” as they go along. How’s that for planning?)

More troubling, anyone who has taken the time to watch MPs and senators “question” the mostly anonymous heads of our security-intelligen­ce “architectu­re” knows they routinely behave — with a notable few exceptions — like poodles rather than determined “watchdogs.”

The last time a CSIS director got a remotely rough ride at a parliament­ary committee hearing was in May1999, when then Progressiv­e Conservati­ve justice critic Peter MacKay had a prickly exchange with Ward Elcock over who decides what “national security” means when it comes to answering questions posed by MPs. Not surprising­ly, Elcock told MacKay that he did.

This old, haughty attitude remains a signature staple of Bill C-22. The committee may have, on paper, “extraordin­ary access” to all the secrets, but the bill explicitly allows the prime minister and his ministers to refuse to disclose informatio­n to the committee and halt any inquiry when and if they decide — unilateral­ly — that it would compromise “national security.”

And who gets to review, censor and sign off on the committee’s annual report before Parliament can have a peek at it? Prime Minister Trudeau and the PMO. Well, so much for the committee’s “independen­ce.”

Bill C-22 has all the trappings of a Father’s Day gift gone sour. Sure, the wrapping looks appealing, but once you take a closer look, you’re bound to be sorely disappoint­ed. Andrew Mitrovica is the author of Covert Entry: Spies, Lies and Crimes Inside Canada’s Secret Service.

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